The Iron Maidens on The Rock Show - out now!

Big Jim

A Very Naughty Boy
Jun 13, 2010
Wales, UK
Hi all! Some of you may remember the thread about The Iron Maidens chatting with me an upcoming edition of The Rock Show, well it's out right now & they're right smack bang in the thick of our Iron Maiden special edition.

Fancy getting your hands on the FREE 2-hour MP3? It's this easy: - the home of the worlds favourite rock & metal show!

Once again, many thanks to the ladies of the band & their management; a fabulous collective of people to work with.

Oh ... also on the show are Derek Riggs, Phil Anselmo & a few surprises just for some added spice. ;)
Must have been a really short interview then! I skipped past the songs cos I wanted to hear the girls.

It was just a quick comment in all honesty; the main interview with Phil comes in the show out this Sunday. :) Also, there's a brief one with Duff McKagan in TRS#83 too ... blink & you miss that as well. :)

Linda, you're very welcome m'darlin'! More than chuffed to have you on the show, so the pleasure was all mine I guarantee. Despite how much Kirsten argues ... ;) ;) xx