The Iron Maidens Tribute CD - Reviews Thread

All I can say is, holy shit....

the guitar sounds are clear and crushing, the bass tones right on the money, and Aja's voice is dead-on. I made it through to Killers, and I am VERY impressed. The only way these girls could get better was to take direct lessons from the guys in Maiden themselves. This is the best tribute album out there, PERIOD.

Now all that remains is for them to come out to the Detroit/Ann Arbor area for a few shows, and I will die a happy man.
What can you say? The disc flat out rocks + Derek Riggs.:rock:
If you don't own it... well then go to their website and buy it. Now.

One of the alltime greats---Phantom of the Opera--- is DEAD ON!!! If Aja's voice wasn't doing the singing, you'd think it was Maiden playing. Yep, it's that good.
The Trooper is a big fav right now... I think it's a little faster than Maiden, which is fine by me.

And of course the bonus track...
Hearing that one the first time, well I was like this >>>:OMG: and this>>>:Spin:'s my favorite Maiden song... recorded on CD by the MaidenS!!!
un- bee- lee- vaa- ble!!! :worship:

Great job MaidenS and thank you for the siggys and the picks too... you girls kick so much ass it's scary.

Hope to hear it all live again tomorrow night at Paladino's.:wave:
lord and hobbes - wanted to send you a signed one but didn't get your order till we got back. we inked 'em @ paladino's tonight so expect it soon :)
Damn :) Even better than I hoped.

Kick ass job ladies! Wonderful album, wonderful production, great sound...head bangin' fun.

Then Maidens do it again! MUahah.

Now, if I just get to see them again someday..heh

you can't expect me to choose...they are all so damn good...but, if you put a gun to my head it would be "Two Minutes to Midnight"!!
My favorite track probaby right now is the trooper but you hit all the songs perfect. I have a friend that is also a big Maiden fan, and he was in shock when he heard it. On the musical side he couldn't tell the difference on the tracks. So when is Volume 2.

And when is the bay area fix coming?
Got it today!!! I had some expectations, and I must say they were met in full. Kick ass all the way around. Untill today I hadn't heard the Maidens with Aja up front so I wasn't sure what to expect. Needless to say, Aja, you done good! Good job and congrats to all the ladies! Now, get your ass's back to Phoenix!!!


The only thing that bothers me is on the cover. Charlotte seems to have some junk in her g-string...NOT THAT I WAS CHECKING HER OUT OR ANYTHING! Just a casual observation. That is a great cover otherwise...
Speaking of the cover.. I'd love to see a high-rez version of that...we all know Derek is fond of hidding fun things in the background...would love to pour over that one!
HobbesDawg said:
Speaking of the cover.. I'd love to see a high-rez version of that...we all know Derek is fond of hidding fun things in the background...would love to pour over that one!

I was just thinking the same thing! Is there a black cat somewhere? And where's his signature?:confused:
The circle at the top of the building near the H of Hollywood looks like it could be the sig, although a little different from the old Maiden sig...

Plus major props to the artists that made the inside booklet & package! Good work!
Lord of Delusions said:
The only thing that bothers me is on the cover. Charlotte seems to have some junk in her g-string...NOT THAT I WAS CHECKING HER OUT OR ANYTHING! Just a casual observation. That is a great cover otherwise...

:lol: :lol: :lol: That's not junk on her drawers, that's an official pair of The Iron Maidens panties she's wearing! :grin: :grin: :grin: