The Iron Maidens Tribute CD - Reviews Thread

CrankYanker said:
I was just thinking the same thing! Is there a black cat somewhere? And where's his signature?:confused:
The circle at the top of the building near the H of Hollywood looks like it could be the sig, although a little different from the old Maiden sig...

Plus major props to the artists that made the inside booklet & package! Good work!

That is Derek's signature. He changed it slighty, take a look at his site and you'll see.

There's a second one on the cover too - see if you can spot it!! (Aja told me about this one, it's kinda hard to see!)
Doodoobubbachuck said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: That's not junk on her drawers, that's an official pair of The Iron Maidens panties she's wearing! :grin: :grin: :grin:

That was one of the first things I noticed!!!
Metallicat180 said:
There's a second one on the cover too - see if you can spot it!! (Aja told me about this one, it's kinda hard to see!)

Yes, it is very difficult to see, but with the hawkeyes everyone here has for details, I'm sure you'll find it! :rock:
I picked up mine at the Portland show and listened to it a couple of times. It's good - tight performances as expected. However, since the ladies are really a live band, I hope the next one is a live cd. That's where the real excitement of the band is! :rock:
Lord of Delusions said:
Got it today!!! I had some expectations, and I must say they were met in full. Kick ass all the way around. Untill today I hadn't heard the Maidens with Aja up front so I wasn't sure what to expect. Needless to say, Aja, you done good! Good job and congrats to all the ladies! Now, get your ass's back to Phoenix!!!
Thanks!! :blush: I can't tell you how much everybody's positive feedback means to us all.

The girls did an incredible job of laying down the tracks, didn't they? As a singer, having that kind of strong foundation makes all the difference in the world for a performance. It really inspired me!

Let's hope it inspires a promoter in AZ to bring the band to Phoenix!!!!

Lord of Delusions said:

The only thing that bothers me is on the cover. Charlotte seems to have some junk in her g-string...NOT THAT I WAS CHECKING HER OUT OR ANYTHING! Just a casual observation. That is a great cover otherwise...

Of course you weren't checking her out! :p It does catch the eye though, eh? That Derek , what a character! He's got a hella sense of humor. It is hard to see some of the detail with the image so small (makes you long for the days of LP covers, doesn't it? ) Maybe we need to make a poster or something of the cover so you guys don't need a magnifying glass to join in the fun!
Air Raid Siren said:
That Derek , what a character! He's got a hella sense of humor. It is hard to see some of the detail with the image so small (makes you long for the days of LP covers, doesn't it? ) Maybe we need to make a poster or something of the cover so you guys don't need a magnifying glass to join in the fun!

Would love to see a poster of it!

As for the album, bloody brilliant. Tracks are crisp, clear and heavy. The drums pound, guitars blaze, base thumps and your singing fits perfectly Aja. Thanks to all of you for such a brilliant album, and the surprise hidden track!
Yea after I got it I was cranking it on my stereo, and I was playing "Wasted Years", and my wife thought it was Iron Maiden, and then I told and she said “Oh she sounds just like that original singer..”. I said yea, but it’s a chick, I said you know its kinds cute to listen to chicks doing a feminine rendition of heavy metal. The singing’s controlled and never over done, cute with hell bent for leather :rock: thing about it.
I lent my guitar teacher my cd and he was VERY impressed by it!! I think NOTB was his favourite, well that was the one he singled out anyway. He said he was really impressed with the drummer and looked a little shocked when I told him that it was the same drummer as in Phantom Blue (I'd also lent him all my PB cd's - and he's still got one!). He was interested to know whether you girls had done Rainmaker or not but I told him you hadn't done anything past FOTD.