The kill you game

i love this game

i will have a bear viciously tear off your arms and legs, i will burn the wounds closed with a blow torch, throw you in a dumpster full of razor wire and AIDS infected needles, leave you there to rot for two weeks, i will then drag you out by your hair and skin off your rotting flesh, as you writhe in agony, then i will put a hook up your ass and pull out your intestines and hang you with them, in your last minutes of life, i will tear off some of your muscle and feed it to you while shaving fat off with a weed-wacker, if somehow you survive i will freeze you, go back and unfreeze you years later and decapitate you with a blunt knife, slowly and painfully, as you drink your AIDS infected blood

I as well am not a sadistic twisted lunatic, rather, i have nothing to do in math class and have watched far to many action movies and anime shows
Kreator/Destroyer said:
i love this game

i will have a bear viciously tear off your arms and legs, i will burn the wounds closed with a blow torch, throw you in a dumpster full of razor wire and AIDS infected needles, leave you there to rot for two weeks, i will then drag you out by your hair and skin off your rotting flesh, as you writhe in agony, then i will put a hook up your ass and pull out your intestines and hang you with them, in your last minutes of life, i will tear off some of your muscle and feed it to you while shaving fat off with a weed-wacker, if somehow you survive i will freeze you, go back and unfreeze you years later and decapitate you with a blunt knife, slowly and painfully, as you drink your AIDS infected blood
Haha! That's a good one!

I'm too lazy to post a long one right now. Maybe I'll just choke you in your sleep or something. :erk:
I'm going to shove my hand up your ass and play with your kidneys - then I'm going to go BRRRRRRRR in between your man boobs

Hopefully you'll die of shock (lets not forget about the smile on your face either ;))
^ Well, I suppose I'll throw pepper in your eyes and then shove 4 pounds of un-iodized salt down your throat. After that I'll inject a needle full of air into your bloodstream, giving you a bad case of the bends. That will hurt, a lot.'re gunna die again...

i will take a broadsword, stand it straight and force you to sit on it, then i will induce you to vomit in a basin and cover your head with the vomit but the vomit will have massive amounts of hydrochloric acid so your skin rots off leaving a husk, which i will kick around with steel-toed boots, then i will light you on fire, put out the fire, light you on fire, put out the fire, light you on fire, take out a .45 and blow off your arms and beat you with them, then i will leave the room, take out an RPG launcher and fire it, you will explode but i will make sure your head is intact, so the 4 seconds you have left after decapitation, i will put on army boots and crush your skull, then i will devour your remains, and if your ghost tries to haunt me, i will die and meet you in the afterlife and tear you to pieces so you are completely wiped from all existence
^ Wins, but I'll still smack you with a fire extinguisher which will explode in your throat and the toxins from the extinguisher will suffocate you and then your chest will burst open from the pressure, which probably won't feel too great.
yea but do you honestly want another one of my killings?

i will pull all your hair out with masking tape and then turn you upside suspending you like that with chains, i will then sandpaper your body until you are a raw skinless corpse, i will tape your mouth shut because silent screams and eyes full of fear and tears are much more fun than screams of terror. I will proceed to castrate you will pruning shears and let the blood run down your body stinning the skinlessness unmercifully as it trickles. Then i will find a very horny inmate who will rape you so hard that your bowels burst, luckily i know first aid so i fix your bowels with some nails and driftwood, then i will lift you lengthwise above me and drop you onto a field of broken glass, as you bleed in unrivaled pain, squealing and sobbing behind the top, i will put on a mitten...covered in rusty nails and acid, i will tear off the tape, shove the mitten down your throat, eviscerating you from the inside, then i will tear out your ribcage and smash it over your head, then for the end, i will take a drill and some screws and drill into your ears and eyes until i pierce your brain making you retarded, then i will grab your head and tear it from your body and ignite it with my mind, above my head and your lifeless husk will be the words...FATALITY...

you are 0 for 3
Kreator/Destroyer said:
yea but do you honestly want another one of my killings?

i will pull all your hair out with masking tape and then turn you upside suspending you like that with chains, i will then sandpaper your body until you are a raw skinless corpse, i will tape your mouth shut because silent screams and eyes full of fear and tears are much more fun than screams of terror. I will proceed to castrate you will pruning shears and let the blood run down your body stinning the skinlessness unmercifully as it trickles. Then i will find a very horny inmate who will rape you so hard that your bowels burst, luckily i know first aid so i fix your bowels with some nails and driftwood, then i will lift you lengthwise above me and drop you onto a field of broken glass, as you bleed in unrivaled pain, squealing and sobbing behind the top, i will put on a mitten...covered in rusty nails and acid, i will tear off the tape, shove the mitten down your throat, eviscerating you from the inside, then i will tear out your ribcage and smash it over your head, then for the end, i will take a drill and some screws and drill into your ears and eyes until i pierce your brain making you retarded, then i will grab your head and tear it from your body and ignite it with my mind, above my head and your lifeless husk will be the words...FATALITY...

you are 0 for 3
You asked for it.

Okay, first of all, I'll have to tie you up. But I won't be using normal rope. Oh no, this is 30 pound STEEL CHAIN wrapped around your neck. I'll take you into the catacombs of Paris, so deep that your terrified screams can't be heard. I've constructed an operating table of sorts. However, the tools I use will be of no good health to you. Since that chain has been choking you on the way there, you've already passed out. I lay you dormant on the operating table. I take the chain off, and re-arrange it to lock you into place, in such a manner that it causes extreme pain, even in unconsciousness. While your locked in there, I start sharpening some carving tools. I just happen to have a device with me that sends electric pulses to the brain, causing disturbing images, especially when unconscious. I shove it into your left ear, and after a few seconds, you start shaking violently. After a few minutes, your screaming in absolute terror, but you're still not awake. Now it's operating time. I take a rusty, moldy, disease-ridden scalpel, and I slowly start to edge towards your chest. Moments later, I stab you violently with it, causing extreme pain and agony. Your restraints are only getting tighter every time you try to escape. The scalpel is carving a thick chunk out of your stomach, and blood and pus are oozing out of the massive gashes. I continue cutting as you still suffer. I finish taking out at least a 3 pound section worth of meat out of your now disease-ridden skin. The mold gets into your blood stream, the disease infects your entire body. You start coughing up blood. You still aren't awake yet. It's time to wake you up. I take a giant hammer and smash your feet with them. Your feet instantly snap in a position that no normal human could withstand. You cry in pain, much louder now that you have awoken. I won't waste time to hear your useless cries for help, so I take a hacksaw and cut through your neck, right through your vocal cord. You're still alive, and now you can't yell, Every time you try to, you just cough up more blood. I say one last thing before the final blow. "Are you enjoying your last minutes on earth?". After that, I take the hammer and smash your skull with it, popping your eyeballs out of their sockets, stretching your bones out of your skin, and squashing your battered brain out of your skull. I stand over you laughing for 5 minutes straight. BUT WAIT! This isn't over yet! Postmortem, I take your mangled corpse and cut it into several peices. Peice by peice, I lay your parts out on the catacomb floor. Once I'm finished, I take the electric pulse creator to cook your body parts. As they are cooked, I eat them, peice by peice, loving every moment of it. Out of your mangled skull I carved a bowl, I put your blood remains and softer parts in it to make a soup. I eat your intestines and innards, using one of your bones as a spoon. After I've consumed most of you, I take your skull and smash it on the floor, breaking it into pieces. Then, I leave the catacombs for the rest of your remains to rot for all of eternity. The room is now a gory mess, the walls are stained with blood, the guts are splattered all over the ceiling and floor, the bones are lying all over the place, and the steel chain lies on the table, swaying over the age as if there was life left in the room. The worst part is, you are only one. Oh, I have many more "subjects" to test. Your taste wasn't terrible, a little bland, but I forgot to bring my salt. I bid you farewell, and may you rest in peices.

Do I win? :erk:
...sounds like my friday night...

now onto your obliteration

i will walk out of your closet when you sleep, and grab your leg at the calf and and snap it up in the wrong way. Instantly you are awake writhing in horrible pain. I do the same to your other leg. I tear your arms off and feed your fingers to you, forcing them down your throat. Luckily, i have a corpse in my bag and i take the spinal cord which is covered in nails and barbed wire and wrap your body in it with enough spine to hang you up on the wall. (the corpse was a tall guy). Then i will proceed to take out my mitten from the last episode, and began punching you like a punching bag. As your blood drips to the floor, i will run to my car. I have your parents in my trunk, i drag them upstairs and decapitate them before your eyes and hang their disembodied heads on either side of you. First i pleasure myself with your mother's head. Now you are emotional scarred and losing sanity. I then inject that painful injection they give in 24 when they torture someone and you writhe some more. You ask me "What is wrong with you." I simply answer, "SHUT THE FUCK UP," and continue. I then kick you several times with metal cleats. I take out a weed-wacker and cut at your mutilated body. Then i put on Freddy Krueger's claws which i bought from him on poker night with the other members of Hell. I peel your skin off and wear it like a coat. I then push an ice pick into your left eye and i take it out and chew it, spit it out, and put it back in, sinisterly laughing and asking..."comfortable." Then i will have a large burly sex fiend man lick your dick with a his greasy, slimy tongue covered in splintered wood. I then shoot the guy in the head and nail him to the wall near your parents' heads. After this i will pull you off the wall and take of the spine and stomp on your grotesque-angled legs. I will then nail you throat to the wall, so you are gasping for air and i am taking drastically overdone deep breaths in front of you. Then i will take a medieval flail and crush your abdomen. After this i will cover you in hot coals, burning into your skinless husk. I knock you out. You wake up in a coffin, six feet underground. Your parents headless bodies are lying next to you giving off a putrid smell. Suddenly, large iron stakes plow through the wood into your body. By this point, your mind has nothing but pain. You black out and wake up again, over a pit of doberman, with your neck wrapped in razorwire. You drop and are torn up by the dogs and i pull the razor wire, cutting apart everything in your neck but you survive. Then i cut all your arteries and put then back together with a flamethrower. Then i take a spoon and dig into your chest, eating out all the meat. I take your intestine and strangle you with it until you turn blue, or whatever color a skinless husk will turn. I then rip your muscle off your bone, leaving only a skeleton and organs and veins with somke tissue. I put on army boots and dropkick you, crushing your head. You are alive for several more seconds, in which, i take a sledgehammer covered in nails and razors, and i smash your body to pieces with blood spewing everywhere, and i drink it like a fountain. A delicious morbid fountain of grotesque pleasure. MMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!. I can't let your remains go to waste so i swallow them whole. I defecate all over your skull (which i left) and i walk away, i burn down your house, and kill myself, so when i meet you in the afterlife, i can again wipe you entirely from existence. Have a nice day.

you don't win more line for my last one for the win

i will then vomit up your remains and get Jack Bauer to bring us both back to life and i will proceed to dig a soup ladel into your scrotum and drag your organs out and replacing them with scorpions. I will then break your neck and rip out your spine and heart and play some baseball.