The Laser's Edge will not be attending ProgPower XI


Man Behind The Curtain
Dec 26, 2002
It is with much disappointment that I am announcing that The Laser’s Edge will not be vending at ProgPower XI.

Unfortunately health related issues in our family has created a situation where it is not possible for Lauren and I to travel away from our home base for long periods of time. The drive down to Atlanta and back from New Jersey constitutes a 5 day road trip which is simply out of the question.

I’ve been in business for 21 years and vended at ProgPower for 10 of them. While it’s a tremendous amount of work to prepare for and sell at the event I’m always energized by meeting our long time customers. Nothing beats matching faces with names and exchanging handshakes and hugs. The money isn’t so bad either…

For me personally the good part is that I will be coming down to Atlanta as a spectator. For once I’ll be able to hang out, watch the bands, and maybe even knock back a few drinks (Larry I expect you to be buying).

I can’t thank Glenn (and his staff) enough for all their help at the event for the past 10 years. They have always gone out of their way to treat us like kings (and queen). ProgPower has featured many of our artists in performance and I expect will continue to in the future.

When Glenn first came up with this crazy idea for a new metal festival I flew out to Chicago and showed my support. When he moved it down to Atlanta I wanted to kill him but instead we packed up a mini-van and drove. I’m already thinking of different ways we can continue to support the festival going forward.

Its been a long time since Glenn and I hung out in a Baltimore parking lot eating pit beef sandwiches, goofing on that poorly run metal festival that in a weird way we all loved. He had the idea to make it better and he did.

Glenn and I have a lot of history together and you never know what tomorrow will bring. For the immediate future vending at ProgPower is out of the question for The Laser’s Edge but maybe that will change some day.

Thanks for reading this long message and I look forward to seeing everyone again in September.

Ken Golden
The Laser’s Edge
This sucks. And hell, this is coming from some competition, haha, as I work at the Nightmare table. It's always nice to have you there, you and your business have always been beyond professional to me when I have ventured from behind the table to do some shopping. I hope the health problems see a pleasant end and it will be nice to have you back WHEN, not IF, you can make it.

Damn... guess I won't be spending much money next year. Sorry to hear about the health issues.
Damn that really sucks, Ken, but i totally understand. It has been awesome getting to know you these past few years, and I hope to see you this year and buy you a drink or two
This is about as emotional as I've ever seen you get, Kenneth. :)

Darn. I always looked forward to handing you wads of money at your ProgPower table. But you have to take care of family matters first. I think everyone can understand and appreciate that.

Keep up the great work online. (I'm preparing an order even as I type this.) And be prepared to be inundated with offers of free drinks at PPUSA XI. You deserve the VIP treatment after all those years of service. :kickass:

See you in September!

Ken, this is weird to say, but reading this is like having one of my favorite bands to drop out of the lineup! Most importantly, I wish the best to you and your family regarding the health problems. :kickass:

Daaamn! Between you and Lance's tables, I've dropped plenty of cash there! Hell, I am, right this moment, listening to a CD that I bought off of you just at this past ProgPower (the Sons of Seasons one - talk about a friggan AWESOME album!).

Also felt bad for you when we discovered that misprint on the Diablo Swing Orchestra CD.

Well, obviously, taking care of any health and family issues definitely comes first. I am glad that I was able to support your business. I've gotten many an awesome album from you (including many that where (and in some instances, still yet to be) released.

Looking forward to at least getting to see and hang out with you. I agree that you ought to get VIP treatment, after all the support you've shown in the past.

Now, who is going to fill that huge void that is going to be left back there?
I'm so sad to hear this, Ken. My wallet is happy, but my ears aren't. ;)
Take care of matters at home, and I wish you and your family nothing but the best. Happy to know we'll still get to see you there in 2010!
Well now what am I going to do with the extra hundred, or two, dollars that I will still have in my pocket come next Sept? And I guess I won't have to pack that extra carry on anymore since I won't have 50 lbs of cd's to cart home. :p

Wishing you and your family the best!
Hey Ken...sorry to hear about the health issues. I'll miss The Laser's Edge greatly at ProgPower this year, but I'm glad you'll still be there, and be able to enjoy the whole festival for a change. I'll gladly buy you a beer, but I'm guessing you'll have enough offers to put a rhinoceros into a coma. :p Be sure to pace yourself or you won't remember the show at all! ;-)

Sending thoughts for a speedy and complete recovery!


It is with much disappointment that I am announcing that The Laser’s Edge will not be vending at ProgPower XI.

Unfortunately health related issues in our family has created a situation where it is not possible for Lauren and I to travel away from our home base for long periods of time. The drive down to Atlanta and back from New Jersey constitutes a 5 day road trip which is simply out of the question.

I’ve been in business for 21 years and vended at ProgPower for 10 of them. While it’s a tremendous amount of work to prepare for and sell at the event I’m always energized by meeting our long time customers. Nothing beats matching faces with names and exchanging handshakes and hugs. The money isn’t so bad either…

For me personally the good part is that I will be coming down to Atlanta as a spectator. For once I’ll be able to hang out, watch the bands, and maybe even knock back a few drinks (Larry I expect you to be buying).

I can’t thank Glenn (and his staff) enough for all their help at the event for the past 10 years. They have always gone out of their way to treat us like kings (and queen). ProgPower has featured many of our artists in performance and I expect will continue to in the future.

When Glenn first came up with this crazy idea for a new metal festival I flew out to Chicago and showed my support. When he moved it down to Atlanta I wanted to kill him but instead we packed up a mini-van and drove. I’m already thinking of different ways we can continue to support the festival going forward.

Its been a long time since Glenn and I hung out in a Baltimore parking lot eating pit beef sandwiches, goofing on that poorly run metal festival that in a weird way we all loved. He had the idea to make it better and he did.

Glenn and I have a lot of history together and you never know what tomorrow will bring. For the immediate future vending at ProgPower is out of the question for The Laser’s Edge but maybe that will change some day.

Thanks for reading this long message and I look forward to seeing everyone again in September.

Ken Golden
The Laser’s Edge
Interesting that this could be the first ProgPower Ken actually gets to fully enjoy as a spectator, since I presume he's been unable to watch bands, including Laser's Edge bands, play while he's down working the table. You've been missing out on a lot! While I the customer won't miss out on Laser's Edge product, since I continue to mailorder stuff year-round, this is a rather positive development at least for next year. On the downside, best wishes and hopes for all health issues.

Lately I've been making it a point to focus my PPUSA spending at vendors with whom I don't shop online. I honestly don't miss The End and this past year I didn't even look at Century Media. Most of my money went to the other vendors.