The Laser's Edge will not be attending ProgPower XI

Sorry to hear of the health issues Ken. Thanks for many years of emptying wallets with a smile, you ARE customer service at it finest, and by fine I mean vilest, most evil customer service lol. Since the credit card companies seem to be shitting on everybody with their raised charges, I guess my LaserCD days are cut wayyy back, so I hope to see a triumphant return sometime soon!
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Ah crap. Now who are the wife and I gonna blow a large chunk of money with this coming progpower? Last year I spent $840 with Laser's Edge alone as well as all the money I've spent with you the last 7 years. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to do more shopping online with ya Ken.

Sorry that you've had this medical situation arise and I truly hope that things will get better and work out for your family in the end. And I, like the others will gladly buy you a drink or three when I see you this coming year. Take care Ken and tell Lauren Hi. :rock:
This really does suck. There are probably only three things I life where I enjoy giving my hard earned money away.

1. Giving Glenn my money each year for 2 badges
2. Giving Lasers Edge my money at your table at the fest
3. Anything that makes my kids happy

The rest of the expenses that weekend I grin and bear much like the rest of my expenditures throughout the year.

I hope you are able to enjoy the fest and your health issues take a turn for the best!

I'd be remiss if I did not also request that you find a way to hire someone to do your dirty work for the weekend of the fest.

Heck, you should just put up a couple of tables with computers with internet aircards so people can surf your catalog online. One person can easily watch the computers so they don't get stolen.

People are in the mood to spend, and it will save us the trouble of bringing the discs home and cracking cases in our luggage. Perhaps offer free shipping for those placing orders from the fest?

Just a thought.
Best wishes regarding the health concerns, Ken! You and your family have always been so awesome, and Laser's Edge is one of the best vendors out there. You're leaving big shoes to be filled, in more ways than one, but it will be so cool for you to actually WATCH THE SHOW! :rock: Happy Holidays!
For me personally the good part is that I will be coming down to Atlanta as a spectator. For once I’ll be able to hang out, watch the bands, and maybe even knock back a few drinks (Larry I expect you to be buying).

***Absolutely !!!! You know it ....drinks are on me.

Its been a long time since Glenn and I hung out in a Baltimore parking lot eating pit beef sandwiches, goofing on that poorly run metal festival that in a weird way we all loved. He had the idea to make it better and he did.

***Man I'll tell you .. some of the best times of my life were right in that parking lot.

It will be great to be able to finally hang with you on THIS side of the table, and torment you to no end .......... :lol:

Feel better bro -- talk to you soon.
DOH!..poor Mr. M*@*%R, At Powermad in '98 I got see Evergrey (as they were cracking open boxes of their then new cd "SDT"), Mayadome, Cage, Scott Mcgill, Lethal...good times!
Certainly sad to hear. Hope all works out for you and your family.
LE as become somewhat of an attraction to the fest for me. Most of my CD buying down there would be at those tables. And to talk with Ken was often interesting and insightful...Here's to ya:kickass: