The last Friends episode!

They probably don't shove it down your throats over there in Scotland like they do in America.

Friends is in syndication on two different channels for an hour during the week.

Same goes for Seinfeld but at least he was funny, and some episodes can be watched several times and not lose their appeal. (in my opinion at least)
Well actualy they just showed the last one this week but they'll be showing repeats all the time now....just like they did with that crappy Sex and the city.
Friends sucks like my Dyson hoover (never looses it's sucking power!)....plain and simple.
You are on to something guardian. Perhaps that is why Friends is so popular, becuase so many whiny women and whiny castrated metrosexual males can identify with these characters, who actually are funny ( i dont think they are funny at all) at times unlike their own pathetic lives they chat endlessly about.
I never liked this show. The only character I found amusing was Phoebe with her oddness. It was also annoying that this was supposed to be NY and there were so few people of colour on the show. :/
No, it sucks. I like tv shows which are odd or have sick humor. Like 6 Feet Under or those True Crime shows.

My father likes watching Friends... Maybe that's why I dislike it. I must rebel. :p
I could have guessed the last episode without watching it. Why not take the show out with a bang? It's not like the ratings would go down. I thought the early years Joey and Chandler were funny. The jokes had lost their edge by the last season.