Ever woken up to Aces High?

Hmm, this is all very well and cool that all your kids like metal, but the problem I see is this. Young kids always like their parents' music until they start to rebel and grow out of it somewhere around 9-10, although in years to come they will look back on it fondly.

So basically you are all evily breeding a new wave of disco.

They might think metal is cool now but soon they will shun it and do drugs just to spite you.
I was raised on country until I was ten, which was when my brother Mark played an album called Live After Death by some English combo. I still love my country music though, and only rebel against the new stuff.
I see that as a problem for my kids when they get to that rebellious stage, what with my musical tastes. There's not really anywhere musically for them to rebel to, unless they get into manufactured boy band crap, and even some of that is OK.
Blitzkrieg said:
You did drugs to spite your parents?

No, but then I wasn't subjected to heavy metal as a kid. More stuff like the Bee Gees and Belinda Carlisle. mmmmm Belinda Carlisle :)
Perhaps, but if they are escaping metal through tecno/doof then it is certainly the other way around.

The way I see it drugs are a problem whichever way you look at it.