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Actually wait, wouldn't they have a camera crew at Wacken anyway? I'm almost sure a somewhat professional recording would be made anyway. Just in what ways that'll be made accessible to the general public...
Don Corleone said:
i'll probably be there for wacken this summer

Why wait for summer? I was whackin' 15 minutes ago!


Oh, and this is great news.
Now that this is sort of sinking in, some questions..

What's up w/ Stephen Wilson not producing? Wasn't that already a done deal? Where did I hear that?

Who is "the uprising recording mogul Jens Bogren"? Tell me what y'all know of this person.

Fashination street studios - Hope it's a better studio than the D/D sessions... that was torture on The New Jesus & Company.

Care to speculate on the top-5 labels?

Summer U.S. Tour. :rock: I hope to catch them for more than 1 show.... very excited about that. Wonder who tour mates would be? Don't you think whoever the label choice turns out to be will greatly influence that?

Ok, then. Out.:flame:
my god guys, we now have something to be excited about, and we can stop beckering of stupid shit all the time!!! this is fucking sweet. i have been waiting to hear something like that for a long time. it won't sink in for a while!!!
Mr Samsara said:
Who is "the uprising recording mogul Jens Bogren"? Tell me what y'all know of this person.

Fashination street studios

This studio and this producer is where the last Bloodbath album was recorded. Good things are being said about Jens, like he is the next "Scott Burns." Some people might say that is a bad thing, but I like most of Scott Burns' work...
Surely with the "supergroup" status of Bloodbath, they'll be sure to record the show and release it as a DVD (free bonus with next album?)