The latest 'Rooms of Anguish' News!


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
I'm starting this thread & making it sticky (so it stays as the first thread on the page) so that the latest news on the release of RoA will be right here at your fingertips.

As has been announced, the cd will be released on Metal Ages Records, the exact release date is still in the works (the pressing plants are extra busy toward the end of the year so we're in the process of finding out how soon we can actually expect everything to be done) but we should have a date for you soon.

Deron has started accepting pre-orders here:

More news will be posted here as it becomes available...stay tuned!
Just to update everyone, many of you know I have been up and down sick since getting back from ProgPower USA. The good 'ol Doc I went to the other day has nothing better to tell me for my (badly) spent money than "welp, xrays look ok no Pneumonia!". Oh gee, thanks Doc! Anyways, I am editing the art to tweak the credits a bit and add the MetalAges info to the CD then it's heading off to the printers. They have said a 2-3 week turnaround from the time they receive it. So, I'm behind a few weeks due to all the illness but we should be good for an early January release still! Just thought I'd update you all, thanks for reading!
The latest news from Deron as of January 6th is that the edits to the artwork have finally been completed..once he receives it all, the cd can finally go to the pressing plant, and we will have a release date to share with you.

It's getting closer, folks..hang in there a little bit longer, and thank you as always for your patience! I promise you it will be worth the wait!! :D
The cd has been sent to the pressing plant, Deron is waiting on a release date from them now..oooo it's getting closer, can you smell it??? :D

no, not that smell, that's just Salinas..*giggle*
Originally posted by Theater of Omens
Is the release date Feb. 18???????

Yep..February 18th will be the day that you can finally get your hands on 'Rooms of Anguish'..WOOHOO!!!
Originally posted by IOfTheStorm
so nobody tells me if the cd would be in Greece too ...
and if there any t-shirts too.

I'll have to check with Deron on this one...I'm not quite sure who he has setup for European distibution, and as for t-shirts, they are definitely in the plan for upcoming merchandise. ;)


Looks like we're winding down now... less than a week and a half before Rooms of Anguish finally sees the light of day (February 18th is indeed the release date)...thanks to Deron!!! :) You Rock Man!!! :rock:
Originally posted by Dave - Power of Omens
Looks like we're winding down now... less than a week and a half before Rooms of Anguish finally sees the light of day (February 18th is indeed the release date)...thanks to Deron!!! :) You Rock Man!!! :rock:

The day is nearly upon us!!!
Originally posted by IOfTheStorm
so nobody tells me if the cd would be in Greece too ...
and if there any t-shirts too. a little more info on this one....I spoke with Deron, and so far we have a couple of European Distributors who are interested in carrying the CD... as far as who, I cannot say until everything has been worked out...but rest assured, the CDs will will more than likely be available in Europe.

If you or anyone has any one specific vendor/distributor/local music shop that would be interested in stocking the CD, please by all means, have them get in touch with Deron at
or better yet, send us their info (e-mail address or phone#) and we will approach them. I hope this helped a bit...we will post more info as it becomes available.
