The leaking on TOC has begun

Holding back for Warrel's sake? Get the fuck out of here. If anything this is so great because Jeff isn't being an obnoxious wanking cock sucker. He knows exactly when to let loose and when to focus on solid songwriting.

I didn't mean holding back on the technical side asshat, I mean holding back on the experimental side. The music on his solo album was brilliant, whereas most of this sounds pretty stock. It just seems like (although I'm not in the band, so I have no idea) that he knows what style Warrel expects from him, so he tries not to deviate to far from that. Although I'm sure Warrel could yell like a madman over anything he threw at him, which is why I'm a little disappointed, because I expected Jeff to throw really insane shit like ZOP at him, and Warrel would have eaten it up. That would have been a masterpiece...

Either way, don't shit your pants or anything.
Your momma's so fat she can only listen to raw production because good production will give her a calorie overload. And it has to be on vinyl cause CD's are too small and she can't use a mouse or keyboard because they're too small as well.
After more listening - I don't think this album is as strong as TGE throughout, and only the first half is *really* good, I'd say. It wanders in the second. Some of the lyricism is beautiful, but it's not as direct as TGE nor as subtle as EoR or even DNB.

I like it, for sure, but it's not a masterpiece. Gotta say that as a whole record I enjoyed both recent solo efforts more.

Some cool tracks, though. :)