The rebellion has begun!


Elegance of Entropy
Jun 27, 2002
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The war against "Forever and Never" soft part begins

By: Persona (free-lance journalist with sponsored by the "good music association")

A new organization has formed in Sweden, known as the Anti-soft part in "Forever and Never" league (ASFNL). This new group, who is planning a future merger with the Beer-Bellied Music-Geeks Association (BMGA), are marching in the streets in protest of the song "Forever and Never" on Nightingale's new album "Alive Again".

The band Nightingale, fronted by Dan Swano, most popularly known as "that drummer-guy from Bloodbath" or "that very annoying singer from Steel" has released a new album just recently which was met with lackluster acclaim. Tens of listeners anxiously awaited the new CD, and all let out a collective gasp of shock as they came to the final song on Nightingale's opus to discover what has been described as "extremely fruity."

"I couldn't believe it," says an anonymous music-geek. "I mean. What the fuck's up with THAT?"

We have tracked down the leader and founder of ASFNL, but he, for the most part, refused to comment, saying only, and I quote: "the Bloodbath-drummer has gone too far. This means war! WAR I TELL YOU! METAL-HIPPIES OF THE WORLD, UNITE! MUAHAHA!"

We will send you more information as the system develops. There are rumors that the ASFNL have access to biological weapons composed of accumulated farts and beer-belches, and access to a tour buses which they plan to use to suicide crash the three record stores that sell Nightingale albums.

It has just been confirmed that the ASFNL has started a petition and have already gathered 4 signatures. A whole tenth of the people who bought "Alive Again" thus far!
*haha* someone who has listened to the latest interview on seismic radio I suppose - because there came up the topic of "the drummer guy from Bloodbath" Hell yeah, I hope there are not too many of these kinda journalists around and also, that I never make such a stupid mistake myself :rolleyes:

..but back to topic: I won`t join ASFNL ;)

JimLotFP commented on it as well during his recent interview with Dan, I think you can count him in.
This "soft part" must blend in really well because I'm not even sure which part we're talking about here. :confused: JimLot commented on it? What did he say?

It is one of the top 4 songs on the cd I think.

The scream at the end sucks, still startles me evertime. :mad: Hehehe.
okay, now I start thinking we all don`t talk about the same... ;)whatever, to avoid misunderstandings..: In the mentioned radio show, Dan and Jim spoke about Journalists. So Dan told that story of a US-Journalist, who considered herself to be very famous and a star herself.
She was driven by her boss to interview someone from Bloodbath. So she did, but told him in the first place: You know, I have that CD, but not listened yet *g* Aswell she did not know nothing about Dan, and gave the impression she unfortunately had to do an interview with "the drummer of Bloodbath" :lol: as if that was only thing Dan ever participated.
From that, Jim and Dan made up a forthcoming story, like you could aswell say "that strange guy from Steel..." if I remember correct (I excuse if it is not 100% what happened...I mean I listened to 2,5 hours (not more as Jim told so late :( ) of that highly interesting discussion.

and this Bloodbath-drummer-saying is one of the running gags in the first post here, so at least that is what I am talking of..:cool:
Originally posted by Demonspell
I don't have a problem with it...if anything it's the ending that pisses me off...I hope you liked my bedtime stories? How anticlimactic and disappointing! And that lame is that? :)

Yeah, what's up with the bedtime story part? I don't get it. Does that mean that the whole 4-album plot was just like a woman telling a story to someone, kind of like a dream?

And the scream scared the shit out of me the first time I heard it. I was listening to it in my room with all the lights out and then it just comes out of nowhere. *shakes fist at Dan*