The leaking on TOC has begun

Also, to that other guy, give Borky some time to grow on you. It's better than Empiricism, it definitely needs some time to sink in. It's a weak album for sure, but Reason, The Stir of Season, For A Thousand Years, and of course My Domain are good tracks. The problem is Lars drowning everything in lifeless hammond organ. He should have used more synth and flutes.

lifeless hammond wut?
Started the morning off with a nice wake-and-bake and had the new stuff cranked up - the songs are growing on me more and more and I find myself walking around singing "You lie to me, you slander me - this is why I hate you".....that is the classic WD power chorus. I'm also really digging the King Diamond influence in ATMS "sometimes she whispers in my ear there's nothing to be afraid of, sometimes she moves the chairs downstairs" - WD is really delivering a powerhouse performance.
Ok so I caved :(

This album is BRILLIANT!

My only quam with the entire thing is that the D/L I got doesn't have "and the maiden spoke"


Boys this is genius! WD you truly are the man!

Jeff all I can say is THANK YOU! The playing and writing on this is superb!

Metal Album Of The Year So Far For Me!!!

I can not wait till I get it!
Auto Tune drives me absolutely batshit insane. I'll be able to deal with it on TOC but I really hope this doesn't become a regular thing on future albums, for effect or not.
i've got to say...this album is growing on me. I liked it at first, but the more i listen to it, the better it gets. It's amazing, and what the fuck, autotune? i gotta go check this shit out...