The Link to Seriously Off-Topic

But I thought he didn't like the other board people, at least, that's the impression I got when I was first lurking. :confused:
*was waiting for you to answer* :p

Oh, I don't hate Off Topic People, I visit there quite often, but I don't want all of them invading the Chat forum all at once. :loco:
BigBronco4x4 said:
Can I see your boobies?
Oh aren't you just the sweetest little thing. :D Beats asking for anal hands down. :rolleyes:

Alas, I cannot provide for you. Just found out my imagestation account was taken down for breaking one ore more of thier rules. I bet I can guess which ones, but I wasn't naked, I swear! :oops: Now I need to find somewhere else I can host piccies. Ah well.

And Xeno, yeah, that's more or less what I meant.
Wait you tricked me! You didn't delete any of my posts! You're naughty!* :p

*Stop posting after me :cry: