The Link to Seriously Off-Topic

Paper or Plastic? :heh:

.....OK that was just mean. :erk: I'm sorry, couldn't help myself. I think she's starting to get a little pissed at you guys though......
:lol: For fuck sakes Poss,if I'd look like you I would of stayed in the trees!
I don't like to boost about myself,but in this case I will.
After seeing your pic,I don't feel so bad now. Matter of fact,I feel and look awesome! When I was your age the looks I got were :OMG: she's only 17! Can't wait till she's legal! Before I was married to the englishman,I've had 18 olds asking me for a date and had girls your age look at me with envy! And that's in my early 30's! Now that I'm in my mid 30's and married,the response when men see me is :OMG: "a real woman! What a rare sight is she." My teenage son's friends consider me a MIL(T)FY. Which I have embrassed some by asking what is a MIL(T)FY. It stands for Mother I Like to Fuck You.
So you see,regardless what you think. You will never compare to me!
Though I don't think of myself as a beaut and never have is why I would never think of posting a picture of myself. Because in reality,I'm shy and its embrassing to be stared at. That I wish when a man is driving in his car and turns his head to look my way that he would crash. When walking,I wish that I had some power to snap their head around to break their neck when they're staring. And I wish my husband would be less vocal when he catches other men staring! I also hate going to a bar and have the girls say "The guys at the bar are looking at you. Don't you notice?" My answer to that is to keep my eyes on my drink the whole time I'm out.
Now you have some ideal of who you think is less than yourself.
Btw,my husband is a drummer and everybody knows that musicians don't date uglies,let alone to marry one!
And if I did post a pic,it would be of my friends that are drop dead gorgeous bikini models that spent their income tax money on a boob job!
All I have left to say Possum,go back to being a dead fuck as you are!

As for others,sorry to bore you with details of whom Poss compares herself too.
Potpossum said:
:lol: For fuck sakes Poss,if I'd look like you I would of stayed in the trees!
I don't like to boost about myself,but in this case I will.
After seeing your pic,I don't feel so bad now. Matter of fact,I feel and look awesome! When I was your age the looks I got were !!:OMG: she's only 17! Can't wait till she's legal! Before I was married to the englishman,I've had 18 olds asking me for a date and had girls your age look at me with envy! And that's in my early 30's! Now that I'm in my mid 30's and married,the response when men see me is !!:OMG: "a real woman! What a rare sight is she." My teenage son's friends consider me a MIL(T)FY. Which I have embrassed some by asking what is a MIL(T)FY. It stands for Mother I Like to Fuck You.
So you see,regardless what you think. You will never compare to me!
Though I don't think of myself as a beaut and never have is why I would never think of posting a picture of myself. Because in reality,I'm shy and its embrassing to be stared at. That I wish when a man is driving in his car and turns his head to look my way that he would crash. When walking,I wish that I had some power to snap their head around to break their neck when they're staring. And I wish my husband would be less vocal when he catches other men staring! I also hate going to a bar and have the girls say "The guys at the bar are looking at you. Don't you notice?" My answer to that is to keep my eyes on my drink the whole time I'm out.
Now you have some ideal of who you think is less than yourself.
Btw,my husband is a drummer and everybody knows that musicians don't date uglies,let alone to marry one!
And if I did post a pic,it would be of my friends that are drop dead gorgeous bikini models that spent their income tax money on a boob job!
All I have left to say Possum,go back to being a dead fuck as you are!

As for others,sorry to bore you with details of whom Poss compares herself too.
OK bitch, that fucking tears it. At what point did I personally attack your looks except in response to your unfounded and degrading remarks about my looks amongst other things? I didn't even realise you were a woman until now, obviously the old codger and sphincter remarks weren’t quite obvious enough to alert you to that fact, but considering how affronted you've been getting it probably shouldn't surprise me.

Can any of you lads remember back to that spurious picture of me as posted by I-F 2.0 a couple of weeks ago? I'd be tempted to tell you to look at the background of the following picture to confirm some of your suspicions, but somehow I'm doubting that your attention will ever travel that far. :Smug:



Hello boys. ;)

I case it hadn't occurred to you, perhaps I was posting said images first and denying I-F’s claim so vehemently, not that it would appear that anyone listened, so that I'd be talking to people who were interested in my personality more so than my looks. Well, that and the fact that I didn't want my inbox filling up and men fogging up my windows 5 minutes after I got here like that last forum I was at.

So let me get this straight, when you were 17 you looked like you were 18-19 and when you were 30-sth you looked like you were 17? :err: That's quite an amazing age reversal don't you think? Even if you're just trying to imply that you haven't aged a day since you turned 17, that's more than a little bit of a stretch, though somehow I don't think I'll have the same problem. :Smug:

Most importantly however, unilke me how about you back up your claims and post some pictures, the only reason I haven't asked you to do so before is, like I said, is that I thought you were a guy and just trying to make me feel bad for whatever reason it is that men typically come up with.

If you're so damn insecure just send the pictures straight to me, instead of hiding behind your "I'm so shy" routine. Stop acting like a 15 year old. :bah: Speaking of which, if your boy is of suitable age, send him over my way and I'll teach him a thing or two, and give him a better idea of what he really would rather fuck. I'm sure my boyfriend would make an expception for a worthy cause. And it's MILF by the way, is simply shortened to "Mum I'd Love to Fuck", traditionally, one only refers to a friends mum they'd like to fuck, if your son has been coming onto you, then trust me, I'm not the one that has the problem. And now your little pop-culture lesson is concluded.

Feel free to post pics of your friends in your place if you wish. Obviously I don't have to worry about getting a boob job any time soon.

Oh and don't be surprised or affronted if I don't reply in the near future. I'm graduating on Friday and heading down to the Gold Coast for a couple of weeks for Schoolies. Enjoy the rest of your miserable life you stupid fat cow.
Possum said:
OK bitch, that fucking tears it. At what point did I personally attack your looks except in response to your unfounded and degrading remarks about my looks amongst other things? I didn't even realise you were a woman until now, obviously the old codger and sphincter remarks weren’t quite obvious enough to alert you to that fact, but considering how affronted you've been getting it probably shouldn't surprise me.

Can any of you lads remember back to that spurious picture of me as posted by I-F 2.0 a couple of weeks ago? I'd be tempted to tell you to look at the background of the following picture to confirm some of your suspicions, but somehow I'm doubting that your attention will ever travel that far. :Smug:



Hello boys. ;)

I case it hadn't occurred to you, perhaps I was posting said images first and denying I-F’s claim so vehemently, not that it would appear that anyone listened, so that I'd be talking to people who were interested in my personality more so than my looks. Well, that and the fact that I didn't want my inbox filling up and men fogging up my windows 5 minutes after I got here like that last forum I was at.

So let me get this straight, when you were 17 you looked like you were 18-19 and when you were 30-sth you looked like you were 17? :err: That's quite an amazing age reversal don't you think? Even if you're just trying to imply that you haven't aged a day since you turned 17, that's more than a little bit of a stretch, though somehow I don't think I'll have the same problem. :Smug:

Most importantly however, unilke me how about you back up your claims and post some pictures, the only reason I haven't asked you to do so before is, like I said, is that I thought you were a guy and just trying to make me feel bad for whatever reason it is that men typically come up with.

If you're so damn insecure just send the pictures straight to me, instead of hiding behind your "I'm so shy" routine. Stop acting like a 15 year old. :bah: Speaking of which, if your boy is of suitable age, send him over my way and I'll teach him a thing or two, and give him a better idea of what he really would rather fuck. I'm sure my boyfriend would make an expception for a worthy cause. And it's MILF by the way, is simply shortened to "Mum I'd Love to Fuck", traditionally, one only refers to a friends mum they'd like to fuck, if your son has been coming onto you, then trust me, I'm not the one that has the problem. And now your little pop-culture lesson is concluded.

Feel free to post pics of your friends in your place if you wish. Obviously I don't have to worry about getting a boob job any time soon.

Oh and don't be surprised or affronted if I don't reply in the near future. I'm graduating on Friday and heading down to the Gold Coast for a couple of weeks for Schoolies. Enjoy the rest of your miserable life you stupid fat cow.

Oh how testy do you get at slights that are made of your self!
Feel better now cunt face?
So,I'm insecured about myself,but I don't have to degrade myself to your level!
I'm not conceited or full of myself like you are either!
And like the other geniuses I've asked,wheres the (T) in MILF as well as the (Y)?!
Btw,its amazing what bras can do these days,did you pay very much for yours?
Your obivous job in the future after high school will be a full time whore instead of part-time after school! And if your going to apply yourself to any business,I'm sure your local brothel would hire you. You'll do just fine if you keep your mouth shut and don't show your over bite.(You really should get that fixed)
Amazing it is that I haven't really aged, just wish my hair would grow though. Which is strange,but is probably another reason that nothing else changes either. So when I get my wrinkles,you'll be full of them from being in the sun.
My son has a girlfriend (Amber),so no thanks for the offer. Besides,I don't want to be your kid's grandmother! Another thing,he prefers girls with class as well as a shapely ass. He's also a little bit to young for you.
Anyways,there are many other girls/women at this site that are far more attractive then your self,but are humble and modest and show class that they aren't treated as a two-bit whore like yourself. For instant,Susie looks cuter than you! Incen shows she's a beaut inside that shines on the out side. Lady of the oracale shows a woman of class and sieur air about her. Tara(awesome name) shows she has spunk and probably can/would punch you out punk! And others show their sexy and seductive with out being sleazy like you have shown over and over time after time agun.
As for calling me a fat stupid cow,you wish!
Can you do 56 stomach crunches in a minute? I can! When your my age your tits will be hanging over the kitchen table getting in the way of your plate!
I didn't have to give head to get a head in life,but you do!
And if I had the computer equipment to post pics,I probably would just to show you!
Know something else,it would be worth six months probation to punch your lights out! :Shedevil:
On a serious note,you should wear bangs though. Your fore head is to high for your hair style. It looks like your hair line is running away from your nose!
And you really should look in to having your over bite fixed.
Act like a whore,you'll be treated like a whore! Now go off to being one Poss!
I hate to chose sides, but if you're going to comment on Possum's pics, you should post some of your own...

As for this whole argument, it's rather silly... but for now I'll grab the popcorn and sit back :p
Hey Potpossum, do you also tease 8 year olds about their bedtime? You know, because you can stay up as late as you want?
Potpossum, what do you think about the link to the Seriously Off-Topic? I think it's quite interesting, but could use a little more definition.
ggggggu said:
Potpossum, what do you think about the link to the Seriously Off-Topic? I think it's quite interesting, but could use a little more definition.

I like the fact that it has a link to the Seriously Off-Topic board to take you there immediately.
As for Poss posting pics. Just shows its not a site for metal heads like one self to discuss interest of music or about other topics, but a porn site to veiw up coming sluts.
Yes, I would have to agree,it needs more definition to what kind of site we're visiting.
I didn't really get the middle part of your answer, but it's nice to see that people agree with me. That means I'm right and it makes me happy.

Where can I view these "up coming sluts"? I'm not too familiar with the business aspect of prostitution, but I always like to watch, if you know what I mean.
ggggggu said:
I didn't really get the middle part of your answer, but it's nice to see that people agree with me. That means I'm right and it makes me happy.

Where can I view these "up coming sluts"? I'm not too familiar with the business aspect of prostitution, but I always like to watch, if you know what I mean.

I like to retrack that statement of up coming sluts to up coming SLUT. I didn't mean to add an s at the end of slut.
I'm not familiar with the business either,but I do know a whore when I see one. It can be found on this board to veiw the up coming slut.You can contact Possum the phalanger that sucks! For a private session, she'll be happy to tease lacking the expertise to please. She's the only one I know of at this site that advertises. She does have a boyfriend though,but he's really her pimp. I'm sure he'll be happy to pimp her out at an reasonable price. Considering she gives the impression that she's cheap to begin with.