lil miss metal
Testy? Sure Ill get testy when such claims have no basis in fact whatsoever. I don't go out of my way to flaunt my body, unless someone attacks me groundlessly over such things first. If youre the supposed stunner you say you are, I cant fathom how it is you manage to be so insecure about yourself, let alone how you managed to get married to a drummer of all things as you say. Perhaps he just wanted a pretty bit of meat on the side that wouldnt put up an argument or make a peep unless she was instructed to?Potpossum said:Oh how testy do you get at slights that are made of your self!
Feel better now cunt face?
So,I'm insecured about myself,but I don't have to degrade myself to your level!
I'm not conceited or full of myself like you are either!
And like the other geniuses I've asked,wheres the (T) in MILF as well as the (Y)?!
Btw,its amazing what bras can do these days,did you pay very much for yours?
Your obivous job in the future after high school will be a full time whore instead of part-time after school! And if your going to apply yourself to any business,I'm sure your local brothel would hire you. You'll do just fine if you keep your mouth shut and don't show your over bite.(You really should get that fixed)
Amazing it is that I haven't really aged, just wish my hair would grow though. Which is strange,but is probably another reason that nothing else changes either. So when I get my wrinkles,you'll be full of them from being in the sun.
My son has a girlfriend (Amber),so no thanks for the offer. Besides,I don't want to be your kid's grandmother! Another thing,he prefers girls with class as well as a shapely ass. He's also a little bit to young for you.
Anyways,there are many other girls/women at this site that are far more attractive then your self,but are humble and modest and show class that they aren't treated as a two-bit whore like yourself. For instant,Susie looks cuter than you! Incen shows she's a beaut inside that shines on the out side. Lady of the oracale shows a woman of class and sieur air about her. Tara(awesome name) shows she has spunk and probably can/would punch you out punk! And others show their sexy and seductive with out being sleazy like you have shown over and over time after time agun.
As for calling me a fat stupid cow,you wish!
Can you do 56 stomach crunches in a minute? I can! When your my age your tits will be hanging over the kitchen table getting in the way of your plate!
I didn't have to give head to get a head in life,but you do!
And if I had the computer equipment to post pics,I probably would just to show you!
Know something else,it would be worth six months probation to punch your lights out! :Shedevil:
On a serious note,you should wear bangs though. Your fore head is to high for your hair style. It looks like your hair line is running away from your nose!
And you really should look in to having your over bite fixed.
Act like a whore,you'll be treated like a whore! Now go off to being one Poss!
And as for conceited and full of myself, I think the word you are actually looking for is self-confident. Obviously enough though the concept is quite foreign too you. At precisely what point did I either say or infer that I was better than anyone here? All Ive done so far is imply that Im happy with my body and the way it looks. I havent seen some of the women youve mentioned above but Ive never gone out of my way to bring them down or say I am superior to them in any way. Ive actually seen posts by Susie and Incen(diare?) and happen to agree that they are both wonderful people. So what if Im a bit of a flirt sometimes? Im happy with my boyfriend, who is 21 BTW, and I get everything that I want from him. I get on here for a bit of a release, and theres nothing wrong with getting a shy smile or two out of some of the nicer boys here, its all in the name of fun and theres no intent to break someones heart. So stop calling me a slut and a sleaze. Can one of you guys straighten her out on the MILF thing too please? Im quite sure the T is silent as it were, but you lot are sure to know more about its common use than I would, or she ever will for that matter. Somethings also telling me that I shouldnt pay any heed to your comments on my looks, so I wont. Im sure a more reliable source for such info would be something of a critical nature from the guys on the board. And I would be more than will to accept such scrutiny. At least well get a non-biased opinion that way. :Smug:
Who said anything about having your boys babies anyway!? I just wanted to straighten out your obviously troubled son with a few lessons on what should really be holding his interest at his age. But seeing as youve said he already has a girlfriend, we can at least hope that this apple has fallen very, very far from the tree. Its always nice to know you have such intimate knowledge of your boys sexual preferences at such a tender age though, and considering his love of the ass, I would suspect that your son is either black or hes still in the closet and in denial while with Amber.
Anyone else care to raise their hands to let us know if you can do 56 crunches in under a minute?

And as to the bangs.

Obviously enough. Been there. Done that. :Smug: I don't have a problem with the way my hair is now though. Looks like you're the only one.
I really wonder why I'm bothering to try and reason with you sometimes, I already wasted the majority of my lunch time typing up this response. Somehow it wouldn't surprise me to find that your son is more mentally mature than you.