The Link to Seriously Off-Topic

Potpossum said:
What? I'm an attention seeker because I have an answer to almost everything?
Excuse me, but you have more post than me. Who is really seeking attention here?!
You consider those to be retorts? :err:




.........................BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA..... :lol:

Ahhhh. *Wipes a mirthful tear from eye*

Now. Where were we? Ah yes.

Potpossum said:
Then again what do you expect from degenerates?! LOSERS!
(Exclude Steve Irwin and Patrick Rafter though.)
Excluding Steve Irwin? :err: You obviousy ARE a loon! :loco:

The good news is the next one's a freebie on me, so make it a good one. I'm not going to bother replying anymore, it's like talking to a brick wall, a perticularily stupid, brink wall. :rolleyes:

xenophobe said:

Spike, Rusty's crumpets shall remain a secret unto our graves! :lol: Well, unless one of us publishes an autobiography... :blush:
*Stuffs a crumpet up Mike's bum! :p *
Spike said:
You consider those to be retorts?

perticularily stupid, :rolleyes:

At least when I'm looking at you dic! :Smug:
I can spell 'particularly'. And you have the balls to call me stupid!
Were you looking at the shampoo bottle again?

And know something else,resort to calling me any defamatory names such as 'whore' as you have done. :Shedevil:
Will lead me to giving you a boot to the nuts,to knock your testicles up through your piss hole!
It shouldn't hurt you that much considering HOW SMALL your balls are!

And just remember,I wouldn't of been a winner if it wasn't for you being such a loser!

Good riddance :flame:
I'll tell you what, next time try understanding what I was getting at before you reply, okay??

I'll be waiting.
Rusty said:
I'll tell you what, next time try understanding what I was getting at before you reply, okay??

I'll be waiting.

And what ARE YOU getting at?
ALL MEN think big with their little heads and do little thinking with their big heads!

And to say "I'll be waiting".
The story of your life.
Can someone else tell her, please?

[Eddie Murphy]AHHHHH GAWD!!! YA KILLIN' ME!!![b/] :lol: [/Eddie Murphy]
'kin can't 'kin edit posts or use advanced 'kin formatting from work. :bah: (Ah well, you get the idea)