The Link to Seriously Off-Topic

Spike said:
Just a quick couple of questions.......:

a) Would the curve in Xeno's schlong not increase his missus' satisfaction?


b) When you said 'jiggle' before Potpossum, did you perhaps instead intend to say 'jog'? Or was this just a small fruedian slip on your behalf? Makes me wonder who the sex starved attention seeker is is all.

Just curious. Honest.


Oh yeah, I thought of another one:

c) Could someome please explain this fascination/fixation with crumpets to me? :err:

a) He would have to answer that.

b)I meant to say jog,but was flustered. Then again,I can't see me running through his head. And for what you say about being "sex starved",unlikely!
My husband feeds me quite a bit,that it works out to be 8176 positions a year. You do the math to figure out how often that is, and you'll find out that I'm being over fed.

c) Crumpets are tastier than muffins. Fit in the toaster better too.
Potpossum said:
a) He would have to answer that.

b)I meant to say jog,but was flustered. Then again,I can't see me running through his head. And for what you say about being "sex starved",unlikely!
My husband feeds me quite a bit,that it works out to be 8176 positions a year. You do the math to figure out how often that is, and you'll find out that I'm being over fed.

c) Crumpets are tastier than muffins. Fit in the toaster better too.
a) Xeno? ;)

b) So that's over 20 positions a night then? How you could possibly arrive at that exact figure is quite beyond me however. I assume then that you two in fact don't sleep, you fuck? Either that or you can't stay still for 5 minutes and keep looking for new positions? :err: I'm sorry about the "Sex Starved" comment though, in the future I promise to leave that part out of "Sex Starved Attention Seeker". :cry:

c) Thank you. Now I know.
A: I've never had any complaints... :Saint: ... but quite a few compliments... :muahaha:

C: Crumpets?'s a personal joke between me and Rusty. :blush:
Spike said:

I'm sorry about the "Sex Starved" comment though, in the future I promise to leave that part out of "Sex Starved Attention Seeker". :cry:

Your comment still shows under tones of sarcasm :Smug:
Implying I'm an attention seeker. Hate to remind you,but it was POSSUM that asked who wanted to play with her floaties!

I hope some day you'll be as lucky as my husband and find your self a good woman who knows the secrets of a Kazaba and enjoys tantric relations.

Till then Spike,take a hike!
Your apology is as insincere as you are!

Oh,btw; I know of others who think the same as your self. "One of the good things of being a witch,is reading inside other peoples minds." Enjoy talking about me? Don't forget I'm a witch who can cause you to twitch!

Excuse me for adding life with a hint of spice to the boards! I don't see many others doing the same. Your like logs floating on by, who just sigh to what you read from me (or others) inside.
Well if you want serious:

Why yes potpossum, I do believe you are right. How very observant of you. :rolleyes: You know the funny thing though? Looking back at her previous comment, I'd almost go as far as to say that the little eyerolling smily at the end of her 'floaties' comment was put their to indicate, yes that's right, sarcasm.

Unless I'm sadly mistaken, Possum had pretty much gotten sick and tired of denying that said 'floaties' were actually in her posession, particularily when no one was listening to her anyway. In fact if I didn't know any better, I'd say that comment was a subtle slight aimed at all us slobbering males on this forum? :err:

Of course I could just be wrong in all of this. *Shrugs*

Regardless of that however, the 'attention seeker' (I should have said whore) label stays. Now I'm not saying that Possum isn't at least somewhat of an attention seeker herself, but your continual need to go one better than her kinda puts you in the same basket, wouldn't you say?

Why do you assume that I'm not as 'lucky' as you, as you put it, anyway. Sure my missus may not know all the secrets of the Kazaba, but she'd probably be willing to learn. ;) I do miss her right now though. :cry:

As for the rest of your comments, I'll admit it, you win, hands down. Cos I have no idea what the fuck you're talkin' about. !:eek:
xenophobe said:
Hmm.. well, why did you decide to comment about Possum in the first place anyways? :p

I said add some life and spice Xenophobe. As in witty retorts and good conversation piece to speak.
Not a piece of tale on display!
Who was to stupid to figure out I was a woman thinking I was a man who thought of her as a slut.
Does Possum send you e-mails showing her deformities as she did with me? No! Probably not!
I guess Possum doesn't know the real character of a possum such as me being Potpossum because I carry my young in a pouch and is awake at night. How many MALE possum's do you know that carry their young in a pouch? I'll answer for you,NONE! Then again she's a phalanger who are known for their tail. In her case, a piece of tail. That's the impression she gives any ways.
Spike said:
Well if you want serious:

Why yes potpossum, I do believe you are right. How very observant of you. :rolleyes: You know the funny thing though? Looking back at her previous comment, I'd almost go as far as to say that the little eyerolling smily at the end of her 'floaties' comment was put their to indicate, yes that's right, sarcasm.

Unless I'm sadly mistaken, Possum had pretty much gotten sick and tired of denying that said 'floaties' were actually in her posession, particularily when no one was listening to her anyway. In fact if I didn't know any better, I'd say that comment was a subtle slight aimed at all us slobbering males on this forum? :err:

Of course I could just be wrong in all of this. *Shrugs*

Regardless of that however, the 'attention seeker' (I should have said whore) label stays. Now I'm not saying that Possum isn't at least somewhat of an attention seeker herself, but your continual need to go one better than her kinda puts you in the same basket, wouldn't you say?

Why do you assume that I'm not as 'lucky' as you, as you put it, anyway. Sure my missus may not know all the secrets of the Kazaba, but she'd probably be willing to learn. ;) I do miss her right now though. :cry:

As for the rest of your comments, I'll admit it, you win, hands down. Cos I have no idea what the fuck you're talkin' about. !:eek:

What? I'm an attention seeker because I have an answer to almost everything?
Excuse me, but you have more post than me. Who is really seeking attention here?!

I don't like other women (in this case a girl) degrade my species. Especially when other women/girls pay for our freedom of speach and actions. By being circumcised (mutilated)! You must of heard of female circumcision.?
And to think its contiuely done because of the actions shown by others in the world. (Its not the original reason why its done,but is the reason why it continues.)

Sorry,I'm a feminist who think women can succeed by using their intellect instead of their body and looks to get some where in life. And fight for others who aren't in position to do so.

Another added note. The original meaning for a witch,was for a woman who knows. Back in the days of old,women weren't even allowed to think. Were a witch did.
Koichi said:
Are you insane?

Profanity answered on my behalf and I'll second it. NO!
Are you?

When you've been taught more things about living and have done some good in this world?
Then you can talk to me!

No wonder the Aussi's LOST to ENGLAND (in rugby)! Then again what do you expect from degenerates?! LOSERS!
(Exclude Steve Irwin and Patrick Rafter though.)