The Link to Seriously Off-Topic

Oh so you own this forum do you now?

Fine, I'm going to make my own thread!* :p

*Can you sticky if for me so it's up the top? :tickled:
Xenophobe,isn't there a rule that users aren't allowed to advertise their occupation under their user name?
Any how,since she is so bent on using 'Possum',did you know where she's from phalangers are known for their tail. In her case,it must be piece of tail!

Maybe I should change my name to Xenophilia and past myself off as your twin sister that the doctors got mixed up at birth with you and your name? :Smug:
Ahhhhh :erk: ,maybe not. I'm known as Potpossum,the original possum by many!
I just can't believe she used my initials too! :err:

Anyways,thanks for posting the link.
xenophobe said:
Grumpybum! :p


Huh? What initials? :err: And what link? that was just to show bronco why I can't post more pics just yet. Go away potpossum! Ya big meanie! :waah:

Steve said:
I think this thread should be closed.....
Awww. I think someone needs a needs a hug? ;)
Possum said:

Huh? What initials? :err: And what link? that was just to show bronco why I can't post more pics just yet. Go away potpossum! Ya big meanie! :waah:

Are you playing stupid or are you just stupid?!
Why don't you do what your name suggest and play possum and drop dead!
I don't have to leave,I was here FIRST! And when you look as good as me at my age,then you can mouth me. Till then,respect your elders!

Btw,@ was originally used in the war. Its short for around,which is like your figure!
Now adays though its used for at. You can at least say that you were taught a lesson.
Don't bother me you piece of tail :err: ! Don't you have someone to suck off to keep your mouth shut right about now,like BigBronco 4x4?! Your hole must be soooooo wide,that a truck wants to park himself inside of you. Maybe you should change your name to carport or drive threw.
@Potpossum... erm... sure you can be my sister, but you gotta send pics :p :erk:

@Possum, you sure you want your own sticky thread? erm... won't go any farther than that :loco:

@Vile Mistress *licks back* :dopey:

@Steve: I've unstuck it... I think all the OT people have found their home where it now resides :lol:

Everyone, this is the internet... lets play nice :p
BigBronco4x4 said:
Possum's boobs make sense to me.
SunlapseVertigo said:
thats what this thread's about? sounds good.... i guess it all makes sense now.
Grrrr NOT MY BOOBS!!! :yell: :mad:

You know what, fine. Yes they are my boobs. :rolleyes: There, I said it. Now does anyone want to play with my floaties? :Smug:


Potpossum said:
Are you playing stupid or are you just stupid?!
Why don't you do what your name suggest and play possum and drop dead!
I don't have to leave,I was here FIRST! And when you look as good as me at my age,then you can mouth me. Till then,respect your elders!

Btw,@ was originally used in the war. Its short for around,which is like your figure!
Now adays though its used for at. You can at least say that you were taught a lesson.
Don't bother me you piece of tail :err: ! Don't you have someone to suck off to keep your mouth shut right about now,like BigBronco 4x4?! Your hole must be soooooo wide,that a truck wants to park himself inside of you. Maybe you should change your name to carport or drive threw.
Cos I'm not a decrepit all codger like you! :loco:
How about when you look as good as me at any age? :Smug:
Thanks for the ancient history lesson pops. It's always good to have a first hand account of things.
Yes I do, but not him.
Nearly as big as your sphincter.
And you yours to 'pah', being the sound you make as you frequently pass wind.

xenophobe said:
Well, it is once again. :guh:

Indesiciveness... :bah:
YAAAAY it's back! :grin: *Licks Xeno's forehead too* If that's OK? :blush: But now I have to stop mid-hex, I was right in the middle of cursing you to have an entirely too small Mike Jnr. See?


*Cackles Evilly* :heh: