The Longest Thread Song Game!!!!

Something tells me that you are about as much a
as I am :lol: :p

..and then he went out to his bronth.
(bronth: made up word meaning large SUV-like vehicle :p )
He got in and sat behind the wheel..
Not that I'm picky or anything, but "whence" means "from where", so when you say "from whence" you are actually saying "from from where", which is unnecessary, so you can just
say "whence" instead of "from whence". :p :spin: :grin:


"...but his stupid brain couldn't do the sum
and so he left the car to get his bike..."
My English teachers from years gone by thank you, rusty :lol: :p

..which was really a little red trike.
He sat down on it & went on his way..
and on the walls they use mcgavock
(Definitions of Mcgavock:
name: A surname (very rare: popularity rank in the U.S.: #23587))

The use of ill-rhyming words...