The Lord Weird Slough Feg

Chasm said:
I saw these guys back at the first Classic Eighties Metalfest. They didn't impress the crowd much (not that there were alot of people there in the first place). I just thought they were pretty average. Nothing seemed to stand out about them. I guess it's kind of hard to judge them now though seeing as I haven't heard their latest stuff.

The stuff off Traveller sounds like doomy power metal to me. Cirith UngolDoomswordetc. style.
Christie_fell said:
:err: Give them another try.

Maybe I'll check out their new album if I get the chance. I'm not really a fan of the style of music they play in the first place. Manilla Road is the only thing I listen to on a regular basis that would come close to something that sounds similar. Their set had alot of stuff that sounded like classic rock in it and none of the songs they played really had an aggressive feel to them. It just wasn't really my thing is all. Nothing against their music or their fans here.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
The stuff off Traveller sounds like doomy power metal to me. Cirith UngolDoomswordetc. style.

That sounds a little more interesting than what I've heard. Anywhere on the net you know of where I could stream samples of it or whatever?
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Yeah you can get two tracks off Traveller here .

Alright, I just downloaded the first one. It definately sounds alot better than the stuff I heard them play. It still doesn't sound like anything I'd listen to regularly, though. I'll check out the other track and see what happens.