Slough Feg


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
So which is the best? I've got Atavism, Twilight of the Idols, and Hardworlder on the way from trades. Should I get Traveller and Down AMong the Deadmen?

Is the self-titled Miskatonic CD a hard-to-find item?

Who knows, I may even give Hammers another shot.
Traveller and DaTD are my two favorites. lol So, yes, get them ASAP. I've heard a few tracks from the new one so far, and it is VERY promising. A lot of their albums are quite different yet have that certain Slough Feg flare.

Atavism is their weakest, imo, due to it not being very consistent.
Traveller - sci-fi, megadeth, thrashy, headbangery
Twilight - celtic melodies galore, fun, brocas helm inspired metal
DaTD - same as Twilight but a lil less Celtic and straight up 80's BH metuhl
Atavism - Slough Feg, but blotchy
Hardworlder - Slough Feg with a huge dose of Thin Lizzy ..Hard Rock
Self-Titled - more raw, straight ahead, still BH influenced, energetic metuhl
Traveller - sci-fi, megadeth, thrashy, headbangery
Twilight - celtic melodies galore, fun, brocas helm inspired metal
DaTD - same as Twilight but a lil less Celtic and straight up 80's BH metuhl
Atavism - Slough Feg, but blotchy
Hardworlder - Slough Feg with a huge dose of Thin Lizzy ..Hard Rock
Self-Titled - more raw, straight ahead, still BH influenced, energetic metuhl

one character.
cheese isnt bothering me these days. im enjoying the hell outta blind guardian and manowar.

nowadays, nothing seems cheesier to me than some yahoo in corpse paint playing half baked burzum/immortal/enslaved/emperor riffs while proclaiming to have some "original" philosophy on how he/they are "different" from the other 1000 bands playing full baked burzum/immortal/enslaved/emperor riffs while remaining true to the original creed.
cheese isnt bothering me these days. im enjoying the hell outta blind guardian and manowar.

nowadays, nothing seems cheesier to me than some yahoo in corpse paint playing half baked burzum/immortal/enslaved/emperor riffs while proclaiming to have some "original" philosophy on how he/they are "different" from the other 1000 bands playing full baked burzum/immortal/enslaved/emperor riffs while remaining true to the original creed.

hahaha awesome

people ask me what my philosophy is these days, and i usually just say "to make some heady tunes"
nowadays, nothing seems cheesier to me than some yahoo in corpse paint playing half baked burzum/immortal/enslaved/emperor riffs while proclaiming to have some "original" philosophy on how he/they are "different" from the other 1000 bands playing full baked burzum/immortal/enslaved/emperor riffs while remaining true to the original creed.

i don't call that "cheese" just "stupid"

cheese is a particular form of stupidity
i already have that lp or i'd buy it for sure! but then maybe you'd just take my money and not send it

anynow, best Slough Fegs are Traveller and Twilight!
jerry i still owe you a nasheim shirt in exchange for that sol invictus lp you sent about four years ago

no, i haven't forgotten
hell mike also owes me something (i forget what) from a couple years ago

but i gave up a long time ago so if it shows up some day now i'll just laugh
mike is the only person in the world worse than me at sending shit out

he's also extremely shit at giving me nasheim traycards when i'm out and need more in order to ship out orders (sorry vittra)
yeah and he lives 1 hour from everyone else and i don't have a car so i can't just pop over and force him to do stuff either
mike is the only person in the world worse than me at sending shit out

he's also extremely shit at giving me nasheim traycards when i'm out and need more in order to ship out orders (sorry vittra)

Thank you for thinking of me as an afterthought in a random thread and ignoring my PMs about what the fuck was going on, appreciate it.