The martyr takes it's aim and wounds the holy man

^^ ahah devy_metal, need to get laid perhaps?

And I stopped making threads here, since it's pretty much a waste of time. RC has been a much more interesting place to discuss both music and non-music related topics.
err, can we ban that guy for posting that kind of crap? LRD didn't get away with it, he shouldn't either.

I'm talking about death_delirium of course.

Do you want to "Warrant" a discussion about this "Dog Eat Dog" world in which "Dirty Rotten Filthy Sticking Rich" people claim "I Saw Red" when "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was where the "Down Boys" went to eat "Cherry Pie" and have "32 Pennies" in order to purchase a "Machine Gun" and eventually reach "Heaven" and.... I guess this is going nowhere. At least I'm having fun.
