the 'Meat Or Accident' thread

Originally posted by HarmonyDies....
this will be the official hate thread you stupid fucks. one thing i hate is Kid ROck, he insulted Radiohead by saying " They get too many good reviews and such, i mean they arent that good, when im having a bbq, and i run out of music, im not reachin' for Radiohead" in his video he had toilet paper with Radiohead written on it. Someone should gut him and than fuck his wife.

kid rock sucks too but he isnt in my top ten at the moment.
Originally posted by Don Corleone
1. hangovers
2. limp bizkit
3. manowar

I personally hate Manowar too, but on new years day my mates and I combined your 1. and 3. when we woke up from the couch, turned on the telly and immediately they started playing 'warriors of the world' on Viva2. Worked like a miracle :lol: Good waking from last nights heavy drinking :grin:
They don't rape women!!! But they have serious amounts of fun after the gigs I've heard (and seen)... :grin:

The first and last time I saw them live, DeMaio was all over this girl on stage but he always does that. Typical Manowar behavior. Read their interviews and you'll find out all about it...