the 'Meat Or Accident' thread

:lol: nice one... i know, they behave like i-never-have-enough 16-year olds... anyways, they can do whatever they want. who cares... they should stop chasin' pussy and start making some decent music...
indeed sol
you know i heard from someone thats to be trusted not to tell shit that they asked for 6 whores when they played at graspop (1999?) and some other things as well, dont know those other things anymore
Originally posted by sol83
The first and last time I saw them live, DeMaio was all over this girl on stage but he always does that. Typical Manowar behavior. Read their interviews and you'll find out all about it...

meat or accident?
Originally posted by sol83
They don't rape women!!! But they have serious amounts of fun after the gigs I've heard (and seen)... :grin:

The first and last time I saw them live, DeMaio was all over this girl on stage but he always does that. Typical Manowar behavior. Read their interviews and you'll find out all about it...

yeah they don't indeed:rolleyes:

I remember I read something like some women who experienced(!) him before, told reporters that the guy-making vocals-of manowar has a tiny-mini yes yes he can't rape women:grin: