The Media



I am here watching CNN and cannot believe what I am hearing. The sniper has struck again and the media are the only ones to blame. I wish they would just ignore and SHUT UP already. The media is feeding into him and when the say he/she hasnt done something what does he/she do? That very thing. It's almost as if they enjoy the chase as much as the sniper enjoys doing it.
its the most interesting thing on TV right now, the questions are pending... where will he strike next? who will he strike next? when will he strike next? its like a digesting snake after eating a mouse with ANOTHER mouse still alive in the cage.... you dont know when the snake is done digesting.... you just sit there and wait for it to strike another mouse.... altho im worried about the people that go to this board that are from Maryland, Virginia, DC, etc... i dont think im the only one who feels this way... the so-called 'sniper' is a killing genious... the man could stop now, move somewhere else, and they will never catch on to him. if someone knew who he was, theyd already have turned him in. nobody knows what he looks like, they just know a vehicle... or do they? since we know that he's feeding off of the media... dont you think he got another means of transporting himself? and why else would he hop between Virginia and Maryland in his killing spree so-to-speak? to keep the question intact... where/when/who.... and why?
Im watching LOUD on muchmusic.

They had Alice Cooper on before(not TOO bad)
Shadows fall was somewhat decent
just played soilwork, next is cannible corpse
Since the sniper "thing" there have been 18 unrelated murders in the DC area.

You don't hear about them, now do you? huh? huh?
Well, the thing that scares me the most, is that another " hype" will rise, in the killingfields..
I don't know about you people, but did you ever noticed, that when a crime is done and people hear that it's impossible to catch the person, others start doing the same?
It's the same when new " types" of suicides arise..all of a sudden you hear others have done it the same way.
It's all about creating a new profile, to create a puzzle..the killers get a rush out of that, they think they're the smart ones.
Once that puzzle is solved, they create a new one..why else do you think criminals leave symbols and other things to " tell" something about them? Sooner or later, this sniper will leave a clue to get this's a kind of psychological, fucked up game to see who's smarter... i don't know if it's only the media who's to blame..i do believe the sniper gets a rush out of the fact, the media is all up to him, he's in the centre of the puzzle he's the one who's gonna keep this going. So i do agree the media makes it bigger then it has to, but that's just politics..

" choking on the puke of their industry, regurgitated propaganda ministry"

xxx Iris xxx
Well, what did i say?
I've read the news this morning and it appears the sniper has struck again, in Ashland, Virginia. He shot a 37 year old male, but as fas as i know, that guy survived. They couldn't remove the bullit out of the man's body, so they don't know for sure if it's the sniper or another criminal, doing the same!!!
And even if it is the same sniper, and he doesn't want to be found, you don't use the same bullits and same calibre gun. :rolleyes:
But, the police said they found a telephone-number in one of the van's they have researched. They believe it's the first clue, the sniper has left for them..
We'll see, maybe it's not true at all because the police just can't seem to get grip on this person..everytime they think they are on to something, because he strikes in the weekends..he just takes a break, waits for a week..and strikes again. He changes his profile.
Damn, i just realise..i loved criminology class!!
My professor and i usually disagreed, but that's what theories are for..hehe

xxx Iris xxx
Shhh... DSM... shhh... you promised you wouldn't say anything! ;)

No, but really... being a resident of Maryland, this stuff does kind of creep me out a little... my brother and father both spend their days in the DC area... Seems to me like this fucker is obviously playing games with the police. The media coverage pisses me off, because they don't give us the information we actually NEED, but keep breaking in just to "remind" us about the press conference at noon that everyone's already been "reminded" about 37303 times.