The Moor cough


Nov 12, 2002
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i know mikael talks about the cough in the session diary for still it between 10:06 and 10:12 in the moor?
if not, where is it?
sounds more like a sigh than a cough, but apparently it wasn't in the room with mikael...heh...anyway thanks
I think it's just a really bad joke from Mikael... "Ok, I'll just cough right here an say it wasn't me!! That will be really cool and the fans will talk about this for years on the messageboard!!!"
You know I never ever heard this mythical cough you people are talking about. Mayb its coz of the constant headbanging.. I'll listen to the song in a headband-free enviroment and see what turns up.
Gymsokk, lol great sig
Gymsokk said:
I think it's just a really bad joke from Mikael... "Ok, I'll just cough right here an say it wasn't me!! That will be really cool and the fans will talk about this for years on the messageboard!!!"
This is what I think too. It definatly sounds like it is suposed to be there
Did you notice in the session diaries for Still Life, Mikael said he and Peter (when Mikael was recording vocals I think) heard a cough outside? He looked at Peter, and he said that it wasn't him. So they both freaked out and went outside to see if someone was there snooping around.
So what do you think?
Inside joke, or spooky stuff? I know it probably has nothing to do with the Moor, but...
There is a sigh on The Moor but the actual cough is on Godheads Lament. Someone pointed it out ages ago, i can't remember the exact timing or anything but it happens on a certain word in the song.