The Moor


I am amazing
Sep 2, 2006
I'm new here, so don't know if anyone's asked this before, but does the sound go funny on the song?
When I play it, it seems to sound really muffled in one ear. Also, have you noticed how it just cuts out at the end of Serenity Painted Death?
omg really it does ?? shit your copy is faulty man, go to a shop and exchange it for a normal copy, or better yet - ask for your money back!
The Moor is like a painting by Picasso. It is an awe-inspiring masterpeice but every once in a while you get some n00b asking about why this or that piece is missing :lol:
Stormwatch said:
You clearly know everything. You must be an expert on Picasso, yet not realising what the fuck his painting style was all about.
Go you!

You complete fucking retard.
lol you clearly interpreted pretty much everything wrong. gO YUou0!!21!!~
salient said:
The "Moor", -good half-acoustic song about girl named Melinda and a reason what a hero of the song become.

we missed you :loco:

btw you wouldn't happen to know who is Jack Frober? I wouldn't be surprised if you did :lol: