The Most Annoying Thing On Facebook?

What is the most annoying thing on Facebook?

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People posting "its ____ cancer awareness month" and reposting shit about movements and whatnot they aren't even a part of. No one cares about your "causes" we know even you don't care about and while I can't speak for everyone but I'm not on facebook to be hit with this crap. Post more actual shit about yourself, good music, and cat videos. Everyone loves cat videos.
am i the only person here that's not on facebook?

I use it to keep up on music really. It's where I get most of my info on new albums and distros sales and whatnot any more. Once upon a time I got most of my info here but it's since slown down to the point it's not as reliable.
i bailed on fb in high school and then natural drifting that occurs in life if you dont fight it(and when you start having your own grown up life) allowed me to filter out people i dont care about. now i have one but its only so i can see the statuses of a select group of friends and i just tell most people i don't have one lmao
I use it to keep up on music really. It's where I get most of my info on new albums and distros sales and whatnot any more. Once upon a time I got most of my info here but it's since slown down to the point it's not as reliable.

Did you just pull a postive "anymore" on us?
Who tf is Madison Marie?

And I love Facebook. I just have half my friends list unfollowed. Don't worry, none of the UM gang is.
Whenever something gets too irritating on Facebook you should be blocking/hiding/unfriending until it works for you. I cut my friends list to under 150 and it's mostly rather tolerable stuff about topics I'm at least mildly interested in.

That said, the fastest way to get your shit blocked is to get engaged or have a kid. I can't stand that shit. Nothing is more dire than someone else's happiness.
Nothing is more dire than someone else's happiness.

love this

I was talking to my girlfriend recently about some inane thing a libertarian friend of mine posted on FB, and my gf replied, "Wny don't you just block that person?" I kind of looked at her like why would I do that? I'd rather try to start a meaningful conversation with this person rather than dilute my feed to only things I think I might be interested in. That would effectively eliminate a good half of the people I know. Obviously, if they're being unreasonable or just dickheads, that's another situation. I have an uncle who posted something today about Muslims burning a church. I just shook my head and put on some Burzum...
People who report every photo that's remotely sexual. I posted a picture of some chicks ass and got banned for 7 days. Like if a girls ass makes you uncomfortable how could you possibly survive in public? There's asses everywhere... Even your mom has an ass that you probably see every day.
Also feminism is probably the most annoying thing ever, so I guess that should be included. The feminism retardation on Tumblr gets way worse though. Every time I see one of these insecure cunts in my feed ranting about how horrible men are to them I actually get filled with rage over unfathomable stupidity. Any time I comment any sort of conflicting opinion, I'm labeled as a "hater" then a bunch of fuckwits who think they're morally superior to everyone else start bashing me, facebook is really just a giant cluster fuck of hypocrisy, bunch of pretentious people congregating to make their lives seem more interesting. Everyone is so obsessed with attention, but only positive attention. If they come across any sort of negative feedback on any of their bullshit views they get overly defensive and start raging, sometimes it's funny, but it also increases my disdain for humanity.
honestly the worst thing about facebook is probably the people who endlessly rant about facebook
Oh well. Everyone's facebook is different. I don't get most of what you guys are talking about on mine. I have also successfully blocked like all sources of annoyance so it's pretty clean now.
All are annoying if overdone, but I'm going with the lengthy political diatribes which caused me to quit facebook for 2 years. I removed all friends who do this. I came back really only to see band updates but got sucked backed in to share some of my photography.
On reflection, the most annoying thing is probably my own inability to not check Facebook everyday for updates, even though I know its going to be the same old collection of baby pics, unfunny videos and general petty nonsense. It's like a car-crash I can't stop looking at.