The Muthafucking Album Of The Year, Of Muthafucking 2004...

I've heard bits of this now. It's ok - I'm not a big fan of Ayreon. I'll give it more listens though. I'm sure people like BWD will like this - some of it is a throwback to 70's prog rock. One track sounds just like The Doors!

Recently I said that Akerfeld had some of the best growls in the business - well, Ayreon proves that his clean vocals have really improved too. Just listen to him on Orchid or Brave Murder Day and compare that to today- he's come a long way with all his vocal ranges IMO.
Its a pure masterpiece. Eric Clayton gives the most characteristic performance. Next in line = Devin Townsend, Mike Baker. Devon Graves could be better. Loser + Hope + Love = best songs. Not recommended for listening sessions while doing something else in the same time (internet for example), it works better reading the lyrics while listening to it.