The name "borknagar"

"... the name a variation on a fictitious character in a Norwegian fairy tale which yields no concrete definition, very much like the epic music they set out to create."
From the booklet of the reissue of the first album.
An old Wikipedia entry, and other places has this information on the name:

"The name Borknagar is an anagram of "Ragnarök", with a B thrown in to make it pronounceable (however, Øystein Brun stated once that the name was inspired by a Scottish legend about a man who climbed Lochnagar, a mountain in Scotland)."
I can't tell you what it *does* mean, but I can report what others *think* it means.

In the '70's USA, there was a show called 'The Muppet Show', which was a 1/2 hour skit show, shown on prime time, what featured the muppets in skits, and various guests like Alice Cooper and Elton John. It was insanely popular. One of the reoccuring characters was 'The Swedish Chef', who mumbled an incomprehensible sort of Swedlish while trying to cook things like meatballs and the like. Hilarity always ensued as his cooking would go massively awry, like the time he got held up by a horde of bandit lobsters. But, I digress. He'd have a little song in the beginning, and he'd end it by shouting "Bork! Bork! Bork!".

So, fast forward to now. Fellow Americans will ask me about my shirt, or what I'm listening to, and the like, and if it's Borknagar, I'd tell them that. And if they're part of the 99.9% of the population that's not familiar with the Norwegian Black Metal scene, they'd look really confused. Then, they'd pull a face, and usually ask me to repeat the name. Then, their face would light up, as if they'd just discovered something really awe inspiring, and they'd start giggling. Then, they'd start doing imitations of The Swedish Chef, singing "Bork! Bork! Bork!" and laughing. It doesn't help that, when they finally calm down enough to ask about the band, I tell them that their current lead singer is actually Swedish.

So consequently, the Swedish Chef has a new occupation. On behalf of my country, I'd like to apologize. (And also for that George Bush thing. We're trying to fix that. Our bad. :ill:)
From, Interview to Oystein:

I:"There is a lot of speculation and rumor about where the name Borknagar came from. Can you tell me the real story behind the name?

O: It was ten years since I came up with the name. It was back in 1994, actually. It doesn’t mean anything. It may sound like a northern mythology name but the idea when I came up with the name was inspired by an old fairy tale that I heard once. It was about a guy who climbed up a mountain called Loch Nagar in Scotland. That’s really it. I just changed Loch Nagar around a little bit (laughs).

I: (Laughs) I read somewhere that it is actually Ragnarok and you just shuffled the letters around and added a “B” in front!

O:(Laughs) Really?? I’ve seen some funny things in different forums with people discussing the name. “If you turn the letters all backwards, you get…blah blah blah.” The truth is that there is no meaning. "

That's all folks! :rofl:
What's the problem with the bork site? I have no problem with it. And it IS updated...

If you do not mind, here is one issue: The links to the wallpapers and video clips are not working.

When I try to click on any of the video clips or wallpapers (I did all 10 of them), I get a timeout error. It tries to go to the IP, then I get an error message saying that I'm unable to connect.

Here's the WHOIS info for that IP: OrgName: RIPE Network Coordination Centre
Address: P.O. Box 10096
City: Amsterdam
PostalCode: 1001EB
Country: NL

I've tried this with IE, Safari, and Firefox, all on my little 12" Mac Powerbook running Mac OS X Version 10.3.9, and I get the same error on each one. I don't have a PC to look at these with.

I hope this helps a bit.
The problem isn't your browser, or computer. The hosting spot for the files, just needs to be updated.