The new amps just arrived at the studio i work on


May 9, 2006
So, The single Rectifier and the JSX are there at the studio I work on. I've never played a Rectifier before, and this thing is so amazing it hurts. Played with it for about 10 min, got great hi gain, mid gain and even clean tones. If the Dual sounds even better, then this thing must be :OMG:

The JSX is also awesome, even better clean, awesome smooth heavy tones, but i liked the Recto better for mid-gain tones. Overall, it seems to compliment the Mesa really well!

Tomorrow i will do the first recording using both amps. It's a crappy band but I am REALLY anxious to try both miked (and LOUD).

Damn, i need a Rectifier!

Haha, cool man, glad you like 'em! To be honest, those are both amps I really don't like that much, but it's all subjective of course!