Just got a Mesa 2 channel dual rectifer and a Vodoo modded Peavey 5150 and a Mesa 4x12 as well today. The dude broke the gain knob on the 5150 when he was getting out of the truck in front of me. Got him to knock a few bucks of the amp.
The knob still works thank god. I did order a replacment pot from Peavey for like 3.00. Hope its not to hard to replace them on my own.
Both of these Amps really sound amazing, but the dual rectifier is just like a god!!!!!! I can not wait to get some mics on this setup and see what kind of tones i can strum up. Just thought I would share with you guys......

Both of these Amps really sound amazing, but the dual rectifier is just like a god!!!!!! I can not wait to get some mics on this setup and see what kind of tones i can strum up. Just thought I would share with you guys......