And the same here. It is most likely just under construction at the moment - Niklas will probably update it soon. I might even guess that will happen sooner than pretty soon. :D

Before, when I clicked on "Performances", I had to mark the text to see it, because it was white on white. Some problem with the background image or something.. the error is still there, but now it's white on black so you can at least read it ;)
A few little glitches in Firefox here, but nothing life-threatening. It is annoying when people design websites for IE and IE only though :(
With Firefox 1.0.2-it, it's alright, except for the background.
Someone please tell the webmaster (and all the webmasters among the internet) that 'bgproperties=fixed" only works with IE!
At least that one works with Opera too. To be honest I'm too lazy to PM about something like that. I'm sure someone will file a complaint if it doesn't work for some reason and it's not like there's anything to change concerning that if it works.

So the lyrics section would be cool to have. I don't really like the way they're sorted alphabetically at, would be better sorted by album.

Heh@"My name is Mikael and I like to scream"

Actually the Rockzone link is dead because there's a mistype in it. Guess I'll PM you about that.
"DARK TRANQUILLITY are the longest standing band from the famed Gothenburg metal scene. Formed way back in 1989, years before the rest of the currently active acts...blah blah blah. "

Caotico said:
Thanks for the info/feedback. I'm currently working on the new homepage and would appreciate any opinions:

Obviously, a lot of the content isn't there yet, but any feedback on general brower problems and so forth is welcome. Send them to or just PM me. Thanks!
wowww this one rocks!
the only thing I would modify is the separation between the white layer and the background... it looks a little bit too "brutal" to me.

Great design anyway
The new page is working just fine here with my Avant Browser.. can't complain.

As for the new upcoming page - good job! I like the new design especially cuz it's presented with that image from "Character" digipack and I really like that one!
I just hope that the background won't be's..well, too bright :) I'd like to see more colours there.. but that's just me :cool:

Just one question, those pictures of you (band members) in "band" section, will they be accessable (klickable :) ) later.. I mean, to see the info on you, like on the current site?!

Anyways, thumbs up! :wave: