the new Gillette shaving.. thing..

Thanatopsis said:
i hope someone nukes manchester, haha
i cant believe that the genetic pool spawned such a creature as you
it was a fluke im sure, and therefore you must be erased from the gene pool
Thanatopsis said:
i hope someone nukes manchester, haha
i cant believe that the genetic pool spawned such a creature as you
it was a fluke im sure, and therefore you must be erased from the gene pool

Well after reading that i've come to the conclusion that you'll never make it as a poet.
Thanatopsis said:
i hope someone nukes manchester, haha
i cant believe that the genetic pool spawned such a creature as you
it was a fluke im sure, and therefore you must be erased from the gene pool

Nice rhyming scheme though - Nuke/Fluke, pool/you and nice imagery of the pool and monster. You also put in good description "genetic" but still you're lacking in various poetic devices and it's hardly likely to entertain literary enthusiasts.