The new Katatonia album...

Guys, I suppose you can help me a little bit: how can I put a picture below my nick-name? I tried to do it but I have NO IDEA how to do it...
First, get a picture and host it on the net somewhere (default size is 100 x 100 pixels, but I think it may resise it if it's too small/big).
Then, go: profile(at the top of the screen) > edit profile, then there is a field towards the bottom labeled 'Avatar' (or something like that). put in the location of the picture you hosted(such as, then save, and it sould be ok.
Heh, but what about if I don't have my own web site? Where can I host the picture, in this case? Can it be hosted at my hard disc or must it be somewhere on the net?
Originally posted by the_joy_of_grief
Unless you want to have a picture of yourself, you can always do a Google search and look for nice pics. Just grab one and use it as avatar.;)

Believe me Lena, when it comes to pictures joy of grief knows what he's talking 'bout ;)
Originally posted by falling bird
Believe me Lena, when it comes to pictures joy of grief knows what he's talking 'bout ;)


Originally posted by Lena
Heh, but what about if I don't have my own web site? Where can I host the picture, in this case? Can it be hosted at my hard disc or must it be somewhere on the net?

Yes you can host it to your HDD. BTW, tez jestem tu nowy :)
O, HauntED, jak to dobrze, ze nie jestem tu jedynym zoltodziobem! ;) Ad zdjec: no ale wlasciwie ja to zdjecie laduje z HDD, i wychodzi wielkie NIC!
HauntED, ale TY TEZ NIE MASZ ZADNEJ FOTKI! Wiec z tym HDD to cos nie tak...podobno mozna jakies fotki z google zamiescic, ale jeszcze nie doszlam JAK :)