The new mesa cabclone


Mar 18, 2010

Havent seen a post here yet. Mesa's take on the palmer i guess.
Im currently using the kemper and im very happy but sometimes i figured it would be nice to fiddle with my actual amps at home which i cant do so far. I checked out the youtube demos (also available on that page when u click on "video samples" and i liked what i heard!

The price if i understood correctly is gonna be around 300 bucks and will be available end of August/sept.

Looks like ill be gettin myself one and trying it out.

What do you guys think?
This thing has the form factor advantage over the Palmer which is a rack unit.

However the Palmer PDI 03 lets you have the option of running the amp silently without applying any filtering, which allows you to apply your own IR in your DAW. To me the Palmer makes more sense for recording, but if you're happy with the stock filter sounds this is much smaller to use live if you're not already using rack gear.

From the mesa link posted...


A ¼” LINE OUT has been included to capture the unprocessed (untreated) sound of your amplifier’s Speaker Output for various applications ranging from creating a Slave signal for additional power on amps that don’t incorporate that feature, to a Direct feed to a Console/Recorder. This signal is hardwired for the Pro LINE level +4dB signal strength and is not affected by the setting of the Front Panel D.I. LEVEL Control.

Am I reading this wrong? I believe it does exactly what the palmer does?
But most importantly have you guys heard the demos? Frankly i didnt expect good results but i thought they werent bad! What do you guys think about the sound so far?
Was just checking this out, obviously the value in it is how good they got the emulation to be..
I too was expecting an utterly chocked and useless sound from it, the high-gain bit with the closed back emulation didn't seem too bad at the end of this vid (around 7:40):

What I would have liked to hear is some A/B comparison in between the mic'd tone and this contraption using the recto, really see how close it gets.. Why didn't they do that..
Anyway, it'd be really nice if someone made a comparison video (with no post processing, of course)
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When i saw the mic'ed cabs in the studio i got all excited thinking that was gonna be what i was about to hear haha.
Wouldve been nice i agree
"Built-In Internal Amp Load FOR AMPS RATED 100 WATTS OR LESS (auto-activates when no cable is connected to “Thru” Output)"

I'm guessing i could still use a 6505 (120watt) as long as the vol ain't dimed?
Maybe through a load box?

When i saw the mic'ed cabs in the studio i got all excited thinking that was gonna be what i was about to hear haha.
Wouldve been nice i agree

Yeah, unless they're so confident they thought we couldn't tell until the end? :p
I'd guess if anyone could make justice with the mic positioning in a comparison, is the Mesa guys (with a Mesa amp, through a Mesa cab..)

Here's hoping Ola might give us a comparison of the raw tones..
Shows promise so far, I think
The demo video doesn't sound that great to my ear for the high gain sounds. Fizzy / static sounding top end, like an early version of Guitar Rig.

They had a U87 on the cab, I think if they let us hear that it would be game over
"Built-In Internal Amp Load FOR AMPS RATED 100 WATTS OR LESS (auto-activates when no cable is connected to “Thru” Output)"

I'm guessing i could still use a 6505 (120watt) as long as the vol ain't dimed?

"The CABCLONE is designed for amps rated at 100-Watts or less and our standard format is for 8 OHMs. Also available are 4 OHM and 16 OHM versions (again for amps of 100-watts or less) that allow proper impedance matching with other MESA–as well as non-MESA–amplifiers. Using this internal load scenario, you can transform any amplifier into a powerful “silent” live, recording or practice tool."

I'd assume so. Also, can't you safely pull 2 tubes from a 6505 and have it run less wattage?

Edit: So basically this thing is a loadbox/speaker emulator, is what I'm gathering? And agreed they should post mic'd cab comparisons.
it sounds like all those analog cab sims of twenty years ago or maybe 30 years ago.
Seriously my ADA MP2 had the same sound....
There's no point delivering a product like this when people could use a load box or maybe setting the amp in standby position (if it permits the sound to go through) and use impulses on a pc
To me it has the same scratchy-ness and weirdness that old-school cab sims have always had. Usable, maybe. Compared to a mic or impulse, not even close. Also the vids add a lot of reverb to try and cover that up, but it is still there.

I just don't think it is really possible to have a strictly hardware speaker sim that really isn't much more than a static parametric EQ. IR filters have 128-256 points to get it right. That would be just way too much hardware.

The Two-Notes approach to me is way better!
Found this earlier today while researching the Cab Clone. Figured I'd repost to see what this forum thought.

dbagchee said:
My band released our single today. All guitars are cab clone from the Rectoverb 25.
