Great cab's besides Mesa

Yeah I'm not really sold on the Orange cabs either.
Like Josh, i've heard no evidence that it mics up well Never Trust A Man With Three First Names.mp3

All tracks were Orange 4x12. 57 straight and 30 degree angle about 4" away from the center of the speaker. Here's a pic that doesn't capture it well. It looks like I mic'd the logo, lol. For the the leads I didn't use the angle mic to lose some low mids. I mixed each side differently too.

The OP and I have been recording for a little while together, the reason he is asking is because we are trying to step it up and mic amps instead of using sims. Currently, all we have really tried to mic is my Randall RH200. I know, its not a great head at all, and I'm sure as you read this you are scoffing :lol: Anyway, all we have is my cheap ass Behringer 4x12 cab, it was a gift from a family member who knows shit about gear, none the less I was appreciative. So, what is the bigger factor here on the shitty sound, the shitty head or the shitty cab/speakers? I know both are shit and will require upgrades, but I really do think that maybe with "real" speakers the head could pull off at the very least a usable tone, or at least something we can practice mic'ing with. Any thoughts?
I have a mesa oversized it sounds great. Only thing that pisses me off is today I had to resolder the speaker connections on the back because one of the bus lines detached.......seems like they should make it more sterdy back there IMO. Maybe use something else besideds bus wire..... Never Trust A Man With Three First Names.mp3

All tracks were Orange 4x12. 57 straight and 30 degree angle about 4" away from the center of the speaker. Here's a pic that doesn't capture it well. It looks like I mic'd the logo, lol. For the the leads I didn't use the angle mic to lose some low mids. I mixed each side differently too.


The guitars sound pretty much like what I would expect from the Orange cab mic'd up... this muffled, fuzzy kind of sound with honky mids... It might be alright when using lower gain and aiming for more of a "rock" sound, but I don't think it fits a metal guitar tone all that well. I don't mean that in any negative sort of way either... I just don't think the Orange cabs mic up too well if you're going for a saturated, modern metal kind of sound...
Maybe I'm deaf but I thought the clips zackpennington and greyskull posted sounded pretty modern metal and not muddy/fizzy/honky/insertbadtonetermhere.

Especially the slips greyskull posted, plenty of bite, nice and clean compressed saturation that has plenty of punch to the jaw.

I'd say that puts Orange into the running. On the other hand I've always like 1960's(w/ T-75) in the past. For a different flair I have a Mesa 2X12 with V30's that sounds tits as well as a Avatar 2x12(still a little harsh, not broken in yet) with one V30 and a G12H30 in it that sounds pretty boobs too.

Good luck.
The guitars sound pretty much like what I would expect from the Orange cab mic'd up... this muffled, fuzzy kind of sound with honky mids... It might be alright when using lower gain and aiming for more of a "rock" sound, but I don't think it fits a metal guitar tone all that well. I don't mean that in any negative sort of way either... I just don't think the Orange cabs mic up too well if you're going for a saturated, modern metal kind of sound...

I agree with this totally.
The mid range character is not something I jive with for the modern metal saturated Sneap style stuff we get into here.
They seem a much better cab for live use than the studio