the new money

With the € it's possible to compare prices between countries. But what the new currency doesn't do is to level the prices. So books in German, for example, will have two separate €-prices, one for Germany and one for Austria, because taxes differ between these countries. I bet this could be a source of great confusion when you don't look closely and discern between D-€ and AUT-€.
Originally posted by Silkie
I really dislike the Euro, I wish the folk of Germany would have been asked, most of them would have been against it...
One thing for sure, the Euro is not a wining thing for Germany, infact we are on a loose with it!
Good to see some countries didn't join that shit!

Yeah, the Mighty German Mark can only take disadvantage of pulling all the other poor european countries and trying to reestablish some value for this disastrous €uro, eh?

Rumors here say that Germany is one of the worst reacting countries because of a wrong prediction about employment of eastern Germany people...

Originally posted by tombombadil
i hate this € because it doesn't have any sense for me

Oh, a brilliant point!

@opacity: I think noone's pretending this. USA doesn't have such a big problem with languages. There are only two countries in Europe that speak the same language: Germany and Austria.
Curious, the only english language country is Ireland :rolleyes:...
Also: no one pretends that a French thinks that he's German... he should rather think of himself as European. I already do.
Besides: even in the USA there are radical differences in people that dwell in different parts of the country. I know one that dwells in the so called 'bible belt' and one from NYC. The differences are no less than between an Irish and an Englishman.
Give us time to change.

@everyone: observation. Did you notice that even just yesterday the €uro gained almost 5 cents value against the dollar? All hail Europe!
Strangely right by these times, here in Chile there has been a 'modification' in the coins, obviously not in the currency...
The coins are lighter and have the faces of our native folks.. it's nice that finally they get recognition but changing them now it's not too original :rolleyes:
Also: no one pretends that a French thinks that he's German... he should rather think of himself as European. I already do.
Seeing oneself as European is a sensable thing. but does/must/can that inevitably mean uniting..?
Originally posted by Malveaux

no one pretends that a French thinks that he's German... he should rather think of himself as European. I already do.

i agree with you, but for France it will be hard !
some regions (Bretagne (which must be translated as Britain in english, i think), The "Pays Basque" (which is half in France, half in Spain), and the Corse (where the equivalent of US governor was murdered 2 years ago) are asking independance ...

if the frenches don't consider themself as french, i don't know how they could consider themself as european :(
I will not accept to be called just an european!

Call Finnish person what he is without trying to put him into same cage with some southeuropean pizza-eating mafia-dude. And I bet those Italian guys would not like to be in the same category with northeuropean grim and frostbitten booze-lickers.
Originally posted by tombombadil
i hate this € because it doesn't have any sense for me
and because for example 1 austrian € is NOT 1 german €
there are differences of ~0,10 €

that's not right. the difference comes from different price levels in countries. an € is an € is an €. the price levels will average sooner or later, because you simply (as a german f.e.) could buy your car in spain because there you pay lets say 1000€ less. so a lot of germans will buy their cars elsewhere... and since germany has 3 mayor car manufacturers, they will have to lower their price levels in order to keep the germans buy in germany. now that's great, ain't it? bringing up taxes and customs is definetely the wrong way to average the prices over europe. let the market do this by itself, it's the best a customer could wish for.

@malveaux i think of me as an european too, but i found that germans in general have little problems with this point of view, maybe because we have no history to be proud about and therefore tend to be less convinced about our country. you just don't learn to love your country here.

@ all but noone should give up country-specific habits and specialities, that would be a great loss of culture. just try to think of europe as of germany, a land consisting of several sub-countries with different cultures. i tend to say i'm a german, but like to add i'm from northrhine-westphalia (and not bavaria :D) and the same could go for europe.

enough brabble from my side
Originally posted by VultureCulture

that's not right. the difference comes from different price levels in countries. an € is an € is an €. the price levels will average sooner or later, because you simply (as a german f.e.) could buy your car in spain because there you pay lets say 1000€ less. so a lot of germans will buy their cars elsewhere... and since germany has 3 mayor car manufacturers, they will have to lower their price levels in order to keep the germans buy in germany. now that's great, ain't it? bringing up taxes and customs is definetely the wrong way to average the prices over europe. let the market do this by itself, it's the best a customer could wish for.

There's one bad thing in that: the weak ones - namely, the smallest companies - will be virtually killed. Over-capitalism is good only if you belong to the strongest group. It is now the case of economical darwinism. Which I seriously dislike.

Other than that, I have no problem losing the finnish mark - except for the fact that right now I have absolutely NO idea about how much money I do have...

you are right, small companies and stores will be pushed aside, but there are always people who want to get a decent counseling and therefore pay some more money in a smaller store. they won't be banished from the market.
but you got a point. i surely am biased, for i work for the largest retailer in germany... never really thought much about that one.

as for the problem with the money, fortune had it that 1€ equals 2 Deutsche Mark approximately, so it's not that problem. the french are fucked up, they have to multipy with 6.somewhat
what's the finnmark in €?
won't talk about economics here (I study them every day)*arggggghhhhhh*

but here in Spain the change is being done quite pleasently. There's a massive fear that comes out to be a quite ordered process to get rid of our beloved Peseta and get €.
To uss is quite annoying since 1 € is 166.386 pesetas so our past banknotes of 1000 pts are now 6 € and so calculating it's a horrible process (specially when we're not used to cents).

I also would love the rest of the countries took part on this, but well, time will I won't have to exchange into DM when visite wacken this year :)

F_V: there are only 15 countries of Europe who have dealt to change their currency into € (you'll see it now on most of places like amazon too :). You know, Europe, the other part of the world. Yes, you have to know, the world, where USA is placed. What do you mean with "isn't the USA the world??" :p :lol:
Originally posted by VultureCulture
you are right, small companies and stores will be pushed aside, but there are always people who want to get a decent counseling and therefore pay some more money in a smaller store. they won't be banished from the market.
but you got a point. i surely am biased, for i work for the largest retailer in germany... never really thought much about that one.[/Q]

i have never used, but i eventually use now :)
just compare the prizes :
results for DT (
Results for DT (

and there are only 2 CDs on the french site :(

as for the problem with the money, fortune had it that 1€ equals 2 Deutsche Mark approximately, so it's not that problem. the french are fucked up, they have to multipy with 6.somewhat
what's the finnmark in €?

for France, it's 1€ = 6,56F, so that's hard. if it was 6, it would have been easiest to make the multiplications ...
finnish mark was a bit stronger as the FF, so i think 1€ equals between 5,8 and 6 FM (don't know the abbreviation)

and for if i feel european. I always did, because i grew up in Nancy, in the north-east of France.
Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and Netherlands, were at less of 2h driving. Nancy was at the german frontier from 1870 to 1918 because in 1870, the mighty people from the land of the brave and the free didn't come to save us from the uncivilized germans who wanted to dictate us to eat their awful Bratwurst and to be able to go in holidays in Paris with free highway and without speed limitations
so some people in the region are of german extraction (the mother of my best friend is german) ... here you can't feel only as a french ... i guess it's the same near all the frontiers ...
Originally posted by aegis

... to save us from the uncivilized germans who wanted to dictate us to eat their awful Bratwurst and to be able to go in holidays in Paris with free highway and without speed limitations ...

hehe. but what's wrong with no speed limitations and free highways? :D i still can't believe that germany is the only country in europe where you can drive as fast as you want. a fast car just doesn't make any sense in other countries... you all should drive fiat panda and vw lupo :muahaha:
Originally posted by VultureCulture

hehe. but what's wrong with no speed limitations and free highways? :D i still can't believe that germany is the only country in europe where you can drive as fast as you want. a fast car just doesn't make any sense in other countries... you all should drive fiat panda and vw lupo :muahaha:

you germans didn't understand anything in the life !
The more your car is big and fast, the more girls find you attractive ! ;)

seriously, i tend to agree with you for the fast cars, but there are already far too many killed by crash accident in France that i can't disapprove measures trying to reduce that. even if the accident due to a too high speed on the highway are quite rare
in 1999 there were 3 times more killed here as in England :(
don't know the numbers for the 2 last years
that's a problem of the french. they just can't drive (just like the italians btw). i once was at the traffic cycle at the arc de triomphe (or was it the place de la concorde??), and i must confess i was terrified. no system at all, they all just drive where they want to... aaargh. italians are worse for they honk in addition :D
so it's no wonder you all die in traffic accidents :D
Originally posted by Phyros
Ey Peiikko! No! Not more of that stupid satire! You finns are all a bunch of knife-throwing, sauna bathing and vodka drinking peiikkos!!

-phyros (laughing his arse of :grin: )

Careful there, I am a Finn and I live in Sweden, so I can just take a bus :grin:
Originally posted by VultureCulture
that's a problem of the french. they just can't drive (just like the italians btw). i once was at the traffic cycle at the arc de triomphe (or was it the place de la concorde??), and i must confess i was terrified. no system at all, they all just drive where they want to... aaargh. italians are worse for they honk in addition :D
so it's no wonder you all die in traffic accidents :D

i still haven't tried to drive in Paris ... my parents don't want i take their car to go alone in Paris ... it's probably the worse place in the world to go with a car :)
or maybe Marseille ... here the local people will laugh of you if you stop when the lights are red ... yes Marseille is in another world

but in 2 years in Paris, i have never saw an accident ... the main cause of these accidents is that the common french drink an half bottle of wine at every meal, and 2 glasses of wine are enough to affect your driving guys should drive in portugal....its insane...we have one of the worst accident and death rates related to driving in the would think that there are crazy people without driving licence out there....but its just natural to have fucked up drivers...and probably the crazy drivers in paris are portuguese also :lol: ...we have a lot of portuguese ppl in paris
None of you have been driving in Sweden I presume...? It´s a devils ride, I can asure you...

-phyros (am I confused? yeah ´course I am...)