The new Nargaroth CD,

Perdition's Light

dinosaur jr.
Apr 5, 2004
Geliebte des Regens. God this is agonizingly beautiful. It's like a chilling atmospheric orgasm. I have Black Metal Ist Krieg but I didn't really like it all that much. Maybe I should listen to it again, but I don't think the two sound very similar. I don't really see anyone mention Nargaroth on here, do any other people like him?
It's very Burzum-like, really long songs with slow progression and tortured vocals. Trance-inducing music. There are also some samples from nature, giving it the same kind of feel I get from Negura Bunget. I don't know, you might find it boring.

where is your signature from?
its nargaroth the band that has an album entitled "black metal ist krieg"?
and the track list for that album is

1. introducing
2. black metal ist krieg
3. far beyond the stars
4. seven tears are flowing to the river
5. i burn for you
6. the day burzum killed mayhem
7. pison pro satana
8. amarok - zorn des lammes 3
9. erik, may you rape the angels
10. the gates of eternity
11. possessed by black fucking metal

I thought they were a joke band
Geliebte des Regens seemed pretty boring to me, the songs just seemed to keep going on forever. Maybe I'll try to listen to it again.
Life Sucks said:
It's pretty good, but kind of repetitive and monotonous IMO. I like Black Metal ist Krieg and Herbstleyd better.

I agree although the packaging of the newer one is excellent imo. One of my favorite BM acts. The only thing about Nargaroth is that he isnt consistent. Half the songs are amazing while the other half are mediocre. Its worth the great songs though.