The new Nargaroth CD,

No shit, retard - Grind titles are supposed to be stupid. This frostbitten mongoloid is being serious. If any of you equally grim douchebags try to claim you find those song titles deep and meaningful, rather than funny, you should seriously consider a full frontal lobotomy. It could be a significant improvement.
Chopstick up the Peehole said:
No shit, retard - Grind titles are supposed to be stupid. This frostbitten mongoloid is being serious. If any of you equally grim douchebags try to claim you find those song titles deep and meaningful, rather than funny, you should seriously consider a full frontal lobotomy. It could be a significant improvement.
Chopstick up the Peehole said:
With song titles that fucking stupid, why wouldn't you?

Because I knew the story.

Oh, and I also can't BEGIN to describe how retarded it sounds when everyone gangs up on one guy for liking "grindcore", yet they don't even know what grindcore is, AND are completely skipping over the fact that there are other kinds of grind.

Geliebte Des Regens real good, though it pales in comparison to Herbstleyd. The new stuff is similar to Burzum in the way that chords are repeated over and over to create a perticular atmosphere, however the progressions he uses are very unique, altering from bleak to joyous in mid progression, its very interesting. I definatley recomend "Rasluka - Pt. II" to anyone who likes this album. Fairly similar EP that isn't as well known.
The only newer trance black metal I like is Forest/Vargleide. Nargaroth bores me.

I never understood this "yeah, it's supposed to be stupid" stuff. What's the point? Whether it is "supposed to be stupid" or is unintentionally stupid, it is still stupid.
I don't see whats stupid about Nargaroth, other than one song title, off an album that was rather peculiar in concept already, and really isn't a good example of what Nargaroth is, but rather what has influenced him...
They ARE a joke band, in that the creator enjoys mocking those who buy his releases. Further, he steals most of his riffs, is insincere about his ideology and badly behaved in public. Oh, and the band is excellent in technique, mediocre at best as art.

Get the Zyklon-B; Kanwulf must DIE.