The new profile photo !

Can you do me a favor?

Like get to those riots and start fucking with the police.

Do something useful, just this once, please!
I think it's kind of hard to fuck with the police amidst all this turmoil.
I didn't have any particular objection or dislike regarding the artwork on the expanded edition, but i really don't like the design posted above. It is quite different from the rest of the usual artwork, but i wouldn't say it's different from everything else. In fact it vaguely reminds me of something, but i can't put my finger on it, probably an image i have seen online before.

Well I don't like the Expanded nor this drawing hehe.

I think it's kind of hard to fuck with the police amidst all this turmoil.

Yeah, that sucks :( (the whole turmoil thing).
the expanded edition artwork was nice. A bit of a departure from Niklas' usual complex illustrations and compositions but it's stylish and by no means bad. I think it's just that you guys, like me, were expecting it to be like his usual high-profile work for in flames/dt/arch enemy.

The t-shirt is also cool. I like that it's not 'metal' :P