The new stage outfits

With the new outfits out, it becomes realistic to ask if the old ones will be available in some sort of auction for some sort of noble cause . . . like the band's beer funds or the band's 401K funds or . . . . . or Tude's cymbal funds.

My take on the new costumes? . . . I need to give them time to grow on me. They look like an even mixture of biker, fantasy, and explorer; none of those are my cup of tea, but they _may_ just come together in a pleasant awkward kind of way.

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
hahaha or some noble cause for outside of the band? ;)

yeah, they indeed some time to grow on me, too. maybe they look better in real life than on the pics, I´ll see in january...
plus: looking like "a very stereotypical homosexual" is NOT going to come around here as sth negative or connected to sth bad/not that good. No discussions about this.
Wasn't meant like that either, the hair just made me think of that Little Brittain character, the point being that I think it doesn't match the rest of the Turisas style.
I really like Netta's outfit. Very cool.
As for the rest of them, I actually kind of like them. I do kind of miss the fur though.
I guess we all feel nostalgic with respect to the older outfits; I sure would have liked to see Turisas in their early furry days. Talking about changes, according to my magical predictive powers, get ready to miss the current website layout as a new one will replace it.

Anyone else have the feeling that the costume designer never talked to the album cover designer?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
I am not sure if you would have wanted to see them in the early furry years XD
anyways, yeah but I am happy when there will be a new layout somehow, looking forward to such a change (wow, miracles happen, me likes changes hahaha) ;)

Well, costumes and album covers do not necessarily have to be going hand in hand, at least in my opinion...
I think i need to get used to it.Hope they look a lil bit better live in those :D
As the website changes i'm looking forward to that actually.
The apocalypse happened and I missed it?

I really like Netta's outfit, really cool. But what's with the samurai look? It's just not the same without fur...
Not sure why you people are saying that about the early costumes. I like that look that sorta screams "we just got out of the cave to catch a few sabercats for breakfast".

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
Not sure why you people are saying that about the early costumes. I like that look that sorta screams "we just got out of the cave to catch a few sabercats for breakfast".

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan

I see an evolutionary line here. :D
cavemen-> vikings-> 80's road warriors -> ... space..jedi?
now that evolutionary line scares me. i don´t wanna imagine them looking like space warriors or jedis.
I like the new style, no complaints from me.

Does Nygard have hand grenades strapped to his chest? Because that would be badass.
Just seen from the second picture that they're binoculars.

Psst AndreasS, they're not really Vikings either, and Ollie isn't a Samurai. So what?