The new Summon God of the board

Originally posted by Misanthrope
@rahvin: Quick question boss, the check out this Band thread will be only to comment on bands? or should it be used to promove one's band too?

i'd say the less new threads concerning ads and the likes pop up, the better. so i'd advise everyone to promote most of everything on the check out this band thread. non-music-related promotion is considered :Spam: no matter where or when or who. ;)

i want an official title too. any will do, i leave rahve to pick it.

Originally posted by Lethe78
I would really like to have bestowed upon me the prestegious title of "Lord of the Idiots", officially. That is my request from the great master Rahvin.

listen, these are hard times, and such a prestigious title cannot be given away so freely... you know, there's a queue here: "lord of the idiots", "princess of foolishness", "grand duke of utter bullshit", they're always the first to go... :s would you mind settling for "minion of rather pointless remarks"? that's the best i have on offer until next month, sorry. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by rahvin

listen, these are hard times, and such a prestigious title cannot be given away so freely... you know, there's a queue here: "lord of the idiots", "princess of foolishness", "grand duke of utter bullshit", they're always the first to go... :s would you mind settling for "minion of rather pointless remarks"? that's the best i have on offer until next month, sorry. :rolleyes:


Can I have Minion Of Rather Pointless Remarks? I think this was one, so it fits me like a glove :rolleyes:
Originally posted by rahvin
@everybody: the office for bestowing titles is closed for maintenance. come back tomorrow and in the meantime enjoy one of our wonderful pineapple-flavoured candies.


I want strawberry, can't you people get anything right, sheesh :grin:
Originally posted by Lethe78
By the way, I am like the only (idiot) without a picture under my name. How would I correct this horendous situation?

profile --> edit options --> change avatar (bottom of the page) --> then select custom avatar and add a .gif or .jpg you like matching the correct pixel/bytes size. :)

:lol: this is one of the best threads in a while :lol:

I just have two remarks to make:
a) i want a dt-flavoured ice-cream :rolleyes:
b) i thought i worked hard enough the past weeks to get the "minion of rather pointless remarks" title :err: oh, well, i can do with the "princess of foolishness" title too :grin:

Siren (pointless doorwoman)
ok, ok: everybody gets the title he/she wants; everybody gets to say what he/she wants because of freedom of expression; misanthrope gets to smash to smithereens the freedom of expression of whoever he wants because of freedom of expression. :grin:
the only thing i can't tolerate is you objecting about the pineapples. pineapple rules and you're all homosexual gothic nonsense if you think otherwise. so: lethe87 lord of the idiots, salamurhaaja minion of rather pointless remarks, siren princess of foolishness, nicktheclayman official forum drunk and hyena queen of bubububu, bear with me and the power of pineapple.

rahvin. (thus spoke)