The new Summon God of the board

@villain: of course you can. you're already known the world over for your encyclopedic knowledge, it would be a pleasure but a mere formality to bestow upon you such a title. :)
doctor tranquillity will reign supreme (and what about kicking some bums on the way out?) ;)

i miss action on this thread. come on, all hail rahvin and say how much you love him!

hyena (hahahaha)
there's no free porn sites, come on. they all are scams. keep the analogy, if you want ;)

Oh good heavens! Look at what I found on a Wheel of Time site!

Bubu and gentlemen, here's the description of the book character Rahvin! :rolleyes:

I refrain from any comment, you all go ahead :grin:

Allegiance: The Dark One, Beautiful Women.
Title(s): Lord Gaebril.

Tall dark and as handsome as Lanfear was beautiful with a very deep chest, strong hands and wings of white at his temples and dark eyes.

Incredibly proud, he loves power, and is envious of anyone who has some. Much prefering
diplomacy over outright attack using subtle compulsion and manipulation, but he can be very
hard. He always chooses his risks with prudence. He is very strong in the One Power, being
stronger than Lanfear was, and almost as strong as Rand.

He turned to the Shadow because of his thirst for power. Through his manipulations he had
several regions surrender without invasion. He was an efficient Governor, but with a lack of attention to detail. He loves women and being flattered. He rarely had a woman without using

Upon his release from the bore, he moved to Caemlyn. When the riots in Caemlyn started (probably by him), he became the leader of the faction supporting Morgase. He put the riots
down, and Morgase promoted him to Elaida's old post.

He had much more trouble with Morgase than expected, with her mind trying to find an escape
from his compulsion. She finally managed to run away, leading to rumors of her death. Rahvin
soon claimed the throne for himself, as well as the throne of Cairhien.

When Rand heard of Morgase's death, he raided Caemlyn intent on revenge for Elayne which
he did with the help of Nynaeve. He balefired Rahvin which undid the death of Aviendha and

In hindsight, Rahvin probably could have chosen a better subject for his manipulations.

hyena :spin:
did i ever mention how choosing my nick has been an almost random process? :s

everybody should read wheel of time anyway. :)

rahvin. (compulsively using compulsion to get away with it)
well _now_ everybody can read it, they're finding out nothing particularly new. :lol: "tall" :lol: this is too much :grin:

@rahvin: i thought you were blonde :grin:
"handsome" was right next on the list, don't be impatient :p

Siren (how does a deep chest-ed guy look? :confused: )
@rahvin: i'm talking about your hair ;)

as for deep chested men, i've never seen you, so how should i know? :grin:
hm, maybe a bullet, punch or smt similar on the chest could make a man deep-chested, mh? :p
well, in case you'll ever see me, the first thing i want you to think is: "this is not deep-chested at all". :grin:

besides, you'd better start a thread with an interesting subject to it instead of thinking about my ugliness, can't you see this board is dead on a hot sunday afternoon in june? :muahaha:

@rahvin: I promise i will :grin:

Besides, i prefer the board being dead instead of me, so i will refrain from starting a new thread for the time being ;)

Siren (thinking of starting a poll of whether rahvin is blonde or not :p)
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
Well, the bit where he has to use compulsion to get a girl would fit... Never gonna do it otherwise :p

yes, i can do it otherwise. i can do it otherwise. it'd be really easy for me to do it otherwise. i. can. do. it. otherwise. i can...

damn, does this f***ing ancient power ever work? :mad:

rahvin. (low batteries)