The new WT CD


Living the dream!
Oct 8, 2002
Somewhere at 33,000'
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I got it in the mail today and gave it a listen. My first reaction after the first few songs was, "Hmm. Sound very 'pop metal friendly'." Based upon what I've seen so far, their association with Roadrunner is all about them making it big at any cost. That's cool if that's their goal. Apparently it is. Unfortunately IMO, their music is becoming pretty mainstream (read 'boring'). The CD continued - not changing my opinion - until I heard the beginning of "Stand My Ground". I grabbed the jewel box to see if it was a different mix or something. Nope. Same song as on the last CD. I can hear the Roadrunner execs now, "This is a great song for U.S. radio. So what if it's from the last CD. The fans we care about haven't heard their last CD. Besides, we don't get any royalties from the last CD. If we re-release it, we can get royalties."

I think it's kinda funny that the song is question is about sticking to your ideals. Apparently WT's ideals are all about making it big at any cost (musically and creatively).

Did they really need to version of the song "What Have You Done"? The first was boring enough. I get that you're trying to say, "What have you done?" You don't need to repeat it a million times. Oh wait! Make an extended version so you can repeat it 5 million times.

Dare I say, "Sell out"?
I actually like the album a lot. This is one band where streamlining their sound actually benefitted their songs. I know I am probably going to be in the minority in metal circles for thinking this, but I have preferred WT's past two albums over the first two.
I know I am probably going to be in the minority in metaql circles for thinking this, but I have preferred WT's past two albums over the first two.

I also preffer the last 2 albums over the first two and this new one as well. I really like WT and have to say that I am not thrilled with the new album. It's not a stink fest by any means, it just does not do much for me. Not sure if I would yell "sell out" as I don't throw that around much. However, it is really close to it. I don't blame them for it though......they gotta eat right.

Oh yeah............I bought this one blind and this just continue to proves to me that pre screaning via promos or downloads is the way to go. I may not have bought this if I had heard it in advance. However, $ 9.99 at Best Buy is hard to complain about.
I also preffer the last 2 albums over the first two and this new one as well.

Actually, I meant that I prefer "The Silent Force" and "The Heart of Everything" over "Mother Earth" and "Enter" I love the tracks "Mother Earth" and "Ice Queen," but "In Perfect Harmony" was horrible and actually turned me off of the band until I caught back up to them with "The Silent Force" (it had the same effect on me as the spoken parts on After Forever's "Invisible Circles" album).

I can tell that they modified their sound in a more commercial direction, but I actually like this streamlined sound better.
I got it in the mail today and gave it a listen. My first reaction after the first few songs was, "Hmm. Sound very 'pop metal friendly'." Based upon what I've seen so far, their association with Roadrunner is all about them making it big at any cost. That's cool if that's their goal. Apparently it is. Unfortunately IMO, their music is becoming pretty mainstream (read 'boring'). The CD continued - not changing my opinion - until I heard the beginning of "Stand My Ground". I grabbed the jewel box to see if it was a different mix or something. Nope. Same song as on the last CD. I can hear the Roadrunner execs now, "This is a great song for U.S. radio. So what if it's from the last CD. The fans we care about haven't heard their last CD. Besides, we don't get any royalties from the last CD. If we re-release it, we can get royalties."

I think it's kinda funny that the song is question is about sticking to your ideals. Apparently WT's ideals are all about making it big at any cost (musically and creatively).

Did they really need to version of the song "What Have You Done"? The first was boring enough. I get that you're trying to say, "What have you done?" You don't need to repeat it a million times. Oh wait! Make an extended version so you can repeat it 5 million times.

Dare I say, "Sell out"?

This is total bullshit! Within Temptation hasn't "sold out". I wonder how many metal fans can accuse a band of this per year? That would be an interesting poll. If anything the band has put out another "Silent Force" cd, which I'm not complaining about. If you like Within Temptation, then I recommend buying "The Heart of Everything". You shouldn't be disappointed. The naysayers have to have something to bitch about at least on once per week! :rolleyes:

I agree that WT hasn't sold out per say. The truth of the matter is that they have always played radio friendly music. This isn't Arch Enemy. It's Within Temptation, and that's what they do. Mother Earth, Ice Queen, Stand My Ground, or See who I am are not much different from anything on the new CD. The only difference is that they're actually getting airplay... which equals sellout to some people.

Interesting how upset fans get when someone leaves an underground band, because they can't make a living at it. Yet as soon as a band achieves any commercial success it's because they sold out.
I've only heard one song from the album - Frozen, and I thought it sounded very...Evanescence. Granted, Sharon is a much better vocallist.

The thing is, apparently WT are wildly popular everywhere expect the USA. So I can't blame them for trying to reach out to the US populous.
The truth of the matter is that they have always played radio friendly music.

Good Point. I have said on more than one occasion that there is no reason why they should not be huge in the states. ( This was based on the last 2 albums)

I don't really see this album as a huge departure or anything, it's just that I don't think the writing is as good as it was on Silent Force. Maybe with some more spins it will grow more on me and I hope it does. I hope this album blows up for them regardless of what I think of it. Like I said above.....they gotta eat right? It is a shame when a quality band can not make enough money to live on and strugle to keep members. (Threshold)
I agree that WT hasn't sold out per say. The truth of the matter is that they have always played radio friendly music. This isn't Arch Enemy. It's Within Temptation, and that's what they do. Mother Earth, Ice Queen, Stand My Ground, or See who I am are not much different from anything on the new CD. The only difference is that they're actually getting airplay... which equals sellout to some people.

Interesting how upset fans get when someone leaves an underground band, because they can't make a living at it. Yet as soon as a band achieves any commercial success it's because they sold out.

I agree.
Good Point. I have said on more than one occasion that there is no reason why they should not be huge in the states. ( This was based on the last 2 albums)

I don't really see this album as a huge departure or anything, it's just that I don't think the writing is as good as it was on Silent Force. Maybe with some more spins it will grow more on me and I hope it does. I hope this album blows up for them regardless of what I think of it. Like I said above.....they gotta eat right? It is a shame when a quality band can not make enough money to live on and strugle to keep members. (Threshold)

Agreed. Their music has always been very radio friendly (with the possible exception of "Enter").

The writing definitely seems weaker than on any previous album to me. Of course there could be many things that changed the way they wrote the songs. Maybe Sharon and Robert having a baby changed the way they look at the world - I'd be surprised if it didn't. Or maybe their new label "encouraged" them the change this and tweak that. Call me cynical, but I'd guess the latter played a bigger part in the changes - for the reasons I mentioned above - than the baby or anything else. Then again, maybe I've just been reading too much LotFP.

Like all WT albums there are good songs and just okay songs. It's not a crappy album. I didn't mean to imply that. It's just that I've noticed a subtle change in a direction I don't particularly like. I have no problem with WT changing. That's great. However, if they "dumb down" their music, or start writing songs to sell albums instead of writing them to express their feelings (the definition of selling out), I will be greatly disappointed.
Agreed. Their music has always been very radio friendly (with the possible exception of "Enter").

The writing definitely seems weaker than on any previous album to me. Of course there could be many things that changed the way they wrote the songs. Maybe Sharon and Robert having a baby changed the way they look at the world - I'd be surprised if it didn't. Or maybe their new label "encouraged" them the change this and tweak that. Call me cynical, but I'd guess the latter played a bigger part in the changes - for the reasons I mentioned above - than the baby or anything else. Then again, maybe I've just been reading too much LotFP.

Like all WT albums there are good songs and just okay songs. It's not a crappy album. I didn't mean to imply that. It's just that I've noticed a subtle change in a direction I don't particularly like. I have no problem with WT changing. That's great. However, if they "dumb down" their music, or start writing songs to sell albums instead of writing them to express their feelings (the definition of selling out), I will be greatly disappointed.

Well, in your initial post you did imply that you thought WT sold out didn't you? By your definition, the band has "dumbed" down the music. I have no idea where you get this from either "Silent Force" or "The Heart of Everything". In my opinion, if anything both albums sound a little more bombast than say "Mother Earth". I wouldn't consider that "dumbing down" their music any. In my opinion, Roadrunner really pushes the bands that they sign and I have no problem with that. I haven't seen a Dream Theater video on MTV since "Pull Me Under". Much to my surprise Headbanger's Ball played their new video from "Systematic Chaos" this past Saturday night. I don't have a problem with Roadrunner tweaking the music of some bands as long as it is still good. Just because a band is signed to a major U.S. label doesn't necessarily mean they're going to come out sounding like Fergie or Justin Timberlake. :lol:

Regardless, I hope the band does really well in the states. I fear that they've come a little late on the heels of Evanescence to experience any true success here, but we'll see in the upcoming months.

I am liking the new album as well. I think it rocks a bit harder than Silent Force. I've liked their last 3 albums. Didn't like Enter at all. Very very very glad they ditched that style.
Well, in your initial post you did imply that you thought WT sold out didn't you?

Actually, I was implying that it was possible that they had sold out.

By your definition, the band has "dumbed" down the music. I have no idea where you get this from either "Silent Force" or "The Heart of Everything". In my opinion, if anything both albums sound a little more bombast than say "Mother Earth". I wouldn't consider that "dumbing down" their music any.

When I say, "dumbed down" I'm not talking about how heavy they sound. I agree that they do sound heavier. I mean their songs don't sound like they have the same type of arrangement as previous albums. They seem simpler. As others have put it here, it sounds more streamlined. To me, that makes it more mainstream. Maybe that's the intent. Maybe not. That't the way it sounds to me, and perception is everything.

In my opinion, Roadrunner really pushes the bands that they sign and I have no problem with that. I haven't seen a Dream Theater video on MTV since "Pull Me Under". Much to my surprise Headbanger's Ball played their new video from "Systematic Chaos" this past Saturday night. I don't have a problem with Roadrunner tweaking the music of some bands as long as it is still good. Just because a band is signed to a major U.S. label doesn't necessarily mean they're going to come out sounding like Fergie or Justin Timberlake. :lol:

I'm glad that they're getting the push. They've got a lot of talent, and have put out some great music. I've been dying to see them for a long time and since they signed with RR, I'll finally get to see them.

I do have a problem with labels interfering with the artistic process. IMO, it takes the art out and just leave artifice. IMO, the metal should be written to express the ideals/feelings/emotions/creative goals of the writer. It should not be written because it will sell better. That is the perfect definition - in my book - of selling out. I've heard that RR does that with their bands. It would be a huge shame to see that happen with WT. They have written really good stuff that interested me. I don't want to see them start writing generic stuff that sounds just like Evanescence or any other "popular" band. It's not that I can't listen to that stuff, it's just that when that happens it seems like bands fade away very quickly as soon as they current "hip" sound changes. Then all of a sudden that sound isn't cool anymore. Most bands end up stuck in a rut writing stuff that got them popular, and they fade very quickly. I'd like to see WT continue to put out good albums for a long time.

Regardless, I hope the band does really well in the states. I fear that they've come a little late on the heels of Evanescence to experience any true success here, but we'll see in the upcoming months.


I do too. I fear that they will be dubbed an Evanescence clone and dismissed by too many fans. IMO, they don't need to change anything to make it here, they just need some promotion.

BTW, I really like Enter.
"Within Temptation: kind of like Evanescence, but without that bad Amy Lee aftertaste."
I don't know what it is about the new album but there's something there that doesn't sit right with me. Maybe it's all the carbon copy chug riffs. Maybe its the excessive use of studio magic that's gonna make for BORING live shows. I don't know.

It has it's moments when it's entertaining to listen to. The last 2 tracks are about the best on the album. But to me the rest of it is just the same good track repeated 10 times. It gets old. Their older albums varied a bit more and made for a more interesting listen IMO.
But to me the rest of it is just the same good track repeated 10 times. It gets old.

I agree with you here. Like I said in a previous post, they've basically made (Silent Force) all over again. I guess that's why they've included "Stand My Ground" on this new one.

Overall, WT has never really strayed too far away from what they do, so I disagree with those of you that think it's some major departure or "sell out" album. The only difference between (Enter) and (The Heart of Everything) is that there are no death vocals, but there's more bombast. Otherwise, WT sounds like the same band to me.
