The Newest Anthrax Fan!


Hosebag wannabe
Feb 12, 2002
Somewhere in Time
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I became a dad last Friday!!! Yehhhaaa!!! A new 7lb 3oz, 19" Anthrax fan!!!

Isaac Timothy was brought screaming into the world February 21, 2003. Both Mom & Dad & offspring are fine. Dad even stayed in the delivery room for 20+ hours and saw the WHOLE thing...I only turned white during the epsiotomy!!!

Anyway the first CD Isaac listened to was "Best of the Beast" by Iron Maiden. He seemed to enjoy it. At least, he didn't complain.
And last Monday his first DVD was Armored Saint's "A Trip Thru Red Times". Both Father & son enjoyed that one a great deal!!

If you wanna take a peek at him:

And---even though---I am biased, he looks a lot better in person!!!

Cheers all.....

Oh yeah, HMV shipped my copy of WCFYA, but I still don't have it.....
That is sooooo cool......

Playing the mighty iron to your newborn...thats some fantastic parenting:)

Hope you got your house sorted......

...and thats the first post I've seen you make that doesn't have a vomit smillie on it ....or are you leavin' that to the little un'....:)
Hey guys!
Thanks for the props!!!
Man I never wanted to be a parent, but I am so happy to have the little fellow around!! He sleeps thru everything (including falling asleep at the tit--poor manners, I say!). It is awesome!

I even managed to be in the delivery room for the whole thing, which was 20+ hours! Yikes! I have gained newfound respect for mothers! That is a shitload of effort & pain, and my wife was a trooper the entire time!
Hey dude, is there anyway to get a pic on this board, without linking to a URL??
I got some cool pix, I could show....
And surely Isaac & Antonio will meet in the moshpit, if the Gods are smiling!!!
Gonna try a pic of the boy with his old man....if it doesn't work, I will try Lycos.
Thanks for the info!
Armored Thrax said:
hey Dutchy.....
I actually have that album....

Ranks right up there with Fistfull of Metal in terms of KICK ASS GORE.....

But yeah, it is a great way to visualize what it looks

that means youre old school!!!!!!
I've got the live album!!!
Hey guys, I know how to post a link, but I was trying to embed a pic in my actual writing like NFF has. He steered me to Tripod/Lycos, but there server has not been I will wait.

There should be an easier way, rather than having to access another site.