The newest band in Phoenix

However, the anti religious artwork and lyrics may have not been the way to go to be the top priority band on Metal Blade Records.


This sounds a little shady to me. Compromising your music/lyrics to get more popular? Tsk tsk, John. I mean, obviously, you shouldn't be doing things to be self-destructive, as a plain old "Fuck You" to the system, but don't breach artistic integrity to attain some sort of elusive popularity. Keep in mind, guys ... you're a death metal band. Cannibal Corpse, quite possibly the most well known death metal band of all time, still has barely sold a million records and that was only done by combining sales of all 345830538 of their albums.

If you're not going to make any money, you might as well just satisfy yourselves. If the music itself (the act of creation, the promotion, the touring, etc) doesn't satisfy you enough, then there are probably other issues to work through.

Not meaning to get on a soapbox, just sharing an opinion.
I have no idea what you guy are really doing as I am not at all the band meetings listening to you guys express what you really want to accomplish but I tell you this.

If you do happen to change direction such as what is the big thing on MTV at this moment, I see two things happening.

One, that scene won't be around for a long time and then what??

Two, you lose alot of fans that have followed you up to this point and alot of the trendies who enjoy the current big thing sometimes won't jump on the ship. I saw that big time with Machine head when they tried changing too much on the burning red and that followup cd.

I wish you luck but I find it more impressive when a band does make it doing it the way they started rather than compromising.
"Kreig" is German for "War", the ultra-TR00 blackmetalers often use it to describe music they think is good.

"Bruzum ist kreig!" "Blackmetal ist kreig!"

Cause war is very true.
And grim
and frostbitten.

And it's all about maintaining your connection to an elitist group and showing how you know all the cool lingo and shit.

Sean, I'm of your opinion... I loathe metalcore. I just find the music to be fairly bland, and I've yet to find a metalcore band I really enjoy...

But... It's obvious that the guys in Vehemence are all very talented. It's also obvious that they write what they do because that's who they are.

Everyone is so scared that they're changing their direction, they're not even asking the band "What is it you guys are writing? What music do you create because of who you are?"

Let's say that the paranoid people here are right, and Vehemence releases a metalcore cd...

My first question would be... is it good?

I think you guys are in this because you love it.... I mean, who else accepts the hit of losing money and being unemployed to tour if they don't?

I think time and time again bands have tried to do it for something other than making what they want to make. The end result is usually sub-par music, but I think we ought to have a bit more faith in the guys, especially on their own forum, and expect them to do what it is they want to do and do it well.

If they release a metalcore album that I like, I will buy it and support the band.

If they release a deathmetal album I like, I will buy it and support the band.

If they release a deathmetal album I don't like, I won't buy it, nor would I support the band...

They have a higher probability of me liking their band if they release death metal, but I'M JUST SOME GUY FROM CANADA, SO FUCK WHAT I THINK!

Right when they were looking for a new vocalist, I said it then, and I say it now... They should do what they want. Fuck all of us. It is their music.

If they keep on thinking "What do the fans want?" then they'll be just as much sellouts as if they were saying "How can we make this more accessible?"

It's the same question, in the end... "How should we change what we write to make other people happy?"

In the end, I think all you guys will do an awesome job. You're extremely talented songwriters and musicians.

And I'm still waiting for you bastards to come to Canada.

Also, Nate, I'm very interesting in hearing your new band... You're a fucking AMAZING vocalist... I wish I could do half the shit you can.
I'm am just gonna write what comes naturally to me. I can't force myself to write a certain style of music. It will come off fake, and people will notice that. I can tell you already, its gonna be a different Vehemence, but there is no way around that. Nate was a huge part of our sound, but we can't look back. Just gotta keep moving forward. As far as straight death metal goes, I really haven't been listening to much of it for about 6 or 7 years. If we lose some of our death metal fans, then thats just the way its gonna have to be. If people think that we have to keep the anti-religious theme because thats "who we are" then they are mistaken. I really respect Nathan's writings, I think they are amazing but it does not represent who I am. If we get a new vocalist that has short hair, people are gonna think we are sell outs. But what the fuck is selling out? We are far from selling out anything, anywhere. Honestly what I want is to be able to make a living off of playing music that I am passionate about. Vehemence is my passion, and I am not about to start doing one note breakdowns just to fit in. Let me just say, if you liked the musical aspect of the last 2 vehemence albums, then you should like what we have in store. Its not too far off, just a natural progression. There is one song though, that I think some people might think is not "death metal" enough. But fuck it, who cares. I don't want to be limited at all with this band. We should be able to write and put out whatever the fuck we want. At first I was like, man this song is way too pretty to be a Vehemence song. I'm just gonna have to put it on the back burner. But fuck that. I don't ever want to limit our music, and what we can do. We are more than just a death metal band.
herjesus said:
It's sooo great to hear from you again as well!!!
I'll sincerely miss all the great breakfasts, vitamins, and friendship you and your family have provided for us homeless bastards while we were in Cali!!
Tell your folks "Hi" from me and the family, and when the new band is firing on all cylinders, I'll be looking you up for a floor to crash on! :wave:
Until next time.... :rock:

For sure buddy...and my dad says hello and that he hopes to see you again soon. He has new bands to take care of, and new people to meet hahaha jk dude...Anytime you are in LA and want to come for a visit, just let me know! Talk to you soon buddy!!!

AMEN Bjorn, where is Andy's rant? Yeah Cannibal Corpse was a different era, all that death metal stuff was a different era, and got big in a different era. Yeah our new stuff wont be that far off, some of the stuff was writtin during the times or before Helping The World To See got released.
All I can say is the dudes in Vehemence are the nicest guys I have ever come accross, and they took care of my band so greatly at the last Seattle show. I fully support whatever direction is going to be taken by the band. The only people who are going to stick their noses up to the new material are hardened elitists who have nothing better to do than pick apart music that doesn't fit their narrow-minded tastes.

Best of luck with the new vocalist, and don't let the doubters worry you. You know what you're capable of, and as long as it comes through in the music then of course it's gonna fuckin rule.

btw John, did you happen to get that video of you guys from the Seattle show? The quality was kinda shitty, but not bad overall.
nobody has to try to tell me how cool of guys the members of vehemence are.

I have talked to bjorn, john, and nathan for what seems like many years now in this desert state. :hypno: My opinion hasn't changed of all the guys. I always dig talking to each individual when we happen to run into each other at the various metal gigs that come to town. :Spin: :rock:
tattooedsean666 said:
nobody has to try to tell me how cool of guys the members of vehemence are.

I have talked to bjorn, john, and nathan for what seems like many years now in this desert state. :hypno: My opinion hasn't changed of all the guys. I always dig talking to each individual when we happen to run into each other at the various metal gigs that come to town. :Spin: :rock:
Make sure to keep spreading the word dude!!!!
I'll be seeing you at a show here in the next couple of months or so...
We're planning a local showcase of the most brutal local stuff to introduce ourselves to Phoenix officially!
Stay Brutal!
herjesus said:
Make sure to keep spreading the word dude!!!!
I'll be seeing you at a show here in the next couple of months or so...
We're planning a local showcase of the most brutal local stuff to introduce ourselves to Phoenix officially!
Stay Brutal!
An old AZ brutal band might be coming back in to action, but no guaruntees as of yet. Steven Herman (Bloodsoaked's drummer) just got out of jail finally like a week ago. They speak of trying to get Bloodsoaked back together, but they are all lazy, so who knows...
PANTERAaddict101 said:
An old AZ brutal band might be coming back in to action, but no guaruntees as of yet. Steven Herman (Bloodsoaked's drummer) just got out of jail finally like a week ago. They speak of trying to get Bloodsoaked back together, but they are all lazy, so who knows...
Well, they better hurry up and get on the fucking bus man...
It's about time phoenix hit the map as far as metal cities, and it's up to all of us to take a bit of pride and ownership and get this fucking ball rolling! :rock: :rock:
I've already touched base with Steve Motive and I'd love to have FOE involved in some shows...just planting the seed dude... :wave:
I would love to see pretty packed clubs for all local metal shows. I have always said that is what has been good about the scenes in my previous locations. Sure, anyone can get a filled club when the current hip Euro metal tour comes thru town. I want to see good killer local metal bands playing to good sized crowds.
tattooedsean666 said:
I would love to see pretty packed clubs for all local metal shows. I have always said that is what has been good about the scenes in my previous locations. Sure, anyone can get a filled club when the current hip Euro metal tour comes thru town. I want to see good killer local metal bands playing to good sized crowds.
thank you...thats what I'm talking about...the fellowship, the brotherhood...
Damn, why the hell didn't I find this thread earlier? Lol.

I'm gonna have to go with the "Ignore the doubters" camp. Write the music you feel, and stay true to yourselves, and then you'll never "sell out" or any of that other bullshit good bands are so often accused of.

I know the next Vehemence album is gonna kick some serious ass, no matter what direction it goes in. And if it's just a progression of the sound, hell that's even better cause I love the Vehemence sound, it's distinctive, and dammit, it kicks ass. If you guys were just another "Brootal" band, I probably wouldn't have paid you much attention. It was that extra element, that extra layer to the music that really grabbed my attention when I first saw you live, having never heard of you, and it's that same factor that's kept me riveted by your music since.

So keep doing what you do. Can't wait for the new album.
And to get back to the original point of this thread:

Nate - I can't wait to hear your new stuff! I'm sure it's gonna be equally sick, and amazing. Any chance of a sample or anything soon? And, any chance you might go on tour with the new project?

If you can, you gotta come to Dallas. That way my girlfriend and I can get you some of that gravy you love lol. Not to mention plenty of beer hehe.