The News Thread

I suppose it depends what you mean by dumb. He probably isn't (much) dumber than the average person, but by the standards of a world leader he was pretty sub-par. Obama could run rings around the guy, as could pretty much every British PM with the possible exception of Margaret Thatcher (who substituted obstinacy and willpower for intelligence - to devastating effect).
Left wing babble at its finest. There is nothing whatsoever that can back that statement up.

Primarily all the stupid things he's said. In his defence, when he's dumb he's usually also funny:

My fave: "Our enemies our innovative and resourceful - and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people - and neither do we."

I suppose you could argue he's just prone to mistakes rather than through and through stupid, but the general level of his responses is usually not particularly high.
Half of those aren't mistakes at all, the others are just him losing his flow and stumbling for a bit. He doesn't really say anything outright dumb, although the first was the worst. At any rate I bet FOX pounded him for all of them.

Gotta say the lip sync thing was bizarre - why would you need to lip sync a speech? Presumably if you can lip sync it you know all the words, so why bother? Will need to look into that.
I always find it intriguing how the rest of the western world seems to really like Obama, when Americans give him terrible approval ratings. If you're looking for evidence of media distortion, start there.

That right there would give away that you're not American(i know, your British) to anyone reading this thread. I dont know what you're talking about though, there are always going to be people who aren't fond of the other side. You must really be out of your mind if you think Obama is not liked here though. Most of America loves the man. Like i said, people from the other side of the world should really refrain from arguing American politics(minus our Aussie friend who cleary isn't blinded by the machine)with Americans, especially when they clearly know nothing expect for what they are fed by the media.
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Look back to my post where i said he couldn't even memorize a few lines that he had stole form someone else's speech.

Look back to my post where it turns out that video was a hoax.

That right there would give away that you're not American(i know, your British) to anyone reading this thread. I dont know what you're talking about though, there are always going to be people who aren't fond of the other side. But regarding obama you must be out of your mind, really. Most of America loves the man. Like i said, people from the other side of the world should really refrain from arguing American politics(minus our Aussie friend who cleary isn't blinded by the machine)with Americans, especially when they clearly know nothing expect for what they are fed by the media.

I actually get most of my American news from American media sources - in particular Real Time with Bill Maher, which is incredibly biased and partisan, I know, but it makes me lol. And hey, you should like him, he's a stoner.

If you were from any other country I'd agree that maybe we should stick our noses out of your business. The problem with America, though, is that your position of power means your choice of President actually has massive impacts on the lives of people who don't even live there.

As to Obama's current approval rating, it's on 49%, which means that actually the majority of Americans don't like Obama. Sometimes it's easier to get an idea of what's going on in a place when you're looking in from the outside.
Look back to my post where it turns out that video was a hoax.
Umm you asked why he would possibly lip sync a speech, and i gave you a perfectly good reason why he might have. The guy couldn't friggin' memorize two lines that he jacked from someone else speech.

And actually he's at 52%, he even had that shit up near 80% at one time! His highest disapproval rating was near 55%, nowhere near the lowest. But those ratings jump up and down all the time since a lot of this country just flows with the current wind. I'm telling you the man is mostly loved in this country, but yeah i guess that doesn't mean shit coming from an American, right? But yeah, some brit on the other side of the pond knows better. This kind of reminds me of the weed argument you had But yeah, honestly i dont want to push this any further because your know-it-allness on every fucking subject, when you clearly dont know shit about any of said subjects is starting to annoy me.

I actually get most of my American news from American media sources - in particular Real Time with Bill Maher.

Lol, holy shit. ok this is where i stop arguing with you.
I'm no fan of dubbya but what annoys me is that most of the criticisms he receives can just as easily be made about Obama, but it doesn't happen because people tend to be rabid Obama dickriders that refuse to criticise the man for anything.

Obama killed more people in the middle east with drone strikes alone than dubbya did during his entire presidency and Obama ran on "we're going to pull out and stop killing people over there."

New definition of colour blind? If you're black and a democrat we won't hold you to account?

I actually get most of my American news from American media sources - in particular Real Time with Bill Maher, which is incredibly biased and partisan, I know, but it makes me lol. And hey, you should like him, he's a stoner.

I just mega cringed.
Umm you asked why would he lip sync a speech, and i gave you a perfectly good reason why he might have. The guy couldnt friggin memorize two lines that he jacked form someone else speech.

Although obviously you'd need to actually know the speech to lip-sync it, lol.

And actually he's at 52%, he even had that shit up near 80% at one time. His highest disapproval rating was near 55%, nowhere near the lowest. But those ratings jump up and down all the time since a lot of this country just flows with the current wind. I'm telling you the man is mostly loved in this country, but yeah i guess that doesnt mean shit since you know, im an American who lives in America. But yeah, some brit on the other side of the pond knows better. This kind of reminds me of the weed argument you had But yeah, honestly i dont want to push this any further because your know-it-allness on every fucking subject, when you clearly dont know shit about any of said subjects is starting to annoy me.

Lol, holy shit. ok this is where i stop arguing with you.

Well, the gallup poll puts him at 49%, which isn't great:

As to the advantages of living in the country, I guess it depends where you live. You'll be able to get a pretty good idea of what the people around you think, but political opinion varies so much from state to state that you'll have as much luck getting a clear picture of the whole from any one part of America as you would from, say, the UK.

People never talk about any of the good W did. For example, no one saved more lives(millions) of starving, sick and dying children, mothers etc. in Africa than Bush did ... but it has all been cleverly wiped under the rug by the left-wing fascists.'s_Emergency_Plan_for_AIDS_Relief
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What argument? I just linked an interesting article about Bush-Cheney. Maybe i should have just posted it separately. And anyway, all you did is say hes a puppet president, and then didnt provide any amount of proof whatsoever other than essentially saying Cheney and Bush worked together(you know, like a president and VP usually do.) and that Cheney "has an intelligent look in his eyes so he must be pulling the strings", lol.

What argument? I just linked an interesting article about Bush-Cheney. Maybe i should have just posted it separately. And anyway, all you did is say hes a puppet president, and then didnt provide any amount of proof whatsoever other than essentially saying Cheney and Bush worked together(you know, like a president and VP usually do.) and that Cheney "has an intelligent look in his eyes so he must be pulling the strings", lol.

The argument in the article you linked was that Bush had Cheney (and others give him advice which he regularly took....until he started having second thoughts).

I didn't say he was a puppet because Cheney is maliciously intelligent (which he is). But W is not intelligent. Being dumb is not the only option to not being intelligent. I'm not interested enough in the whole situation to provide an argument replete with an exhaustive repertoire of facts, and I don't think there'd be enough evidence out there to definitively prove it anyway.