The News Thread

You need a better chart bro, one that maybe doesn't cut off at 2010.

Well actually the period between 2008-2010 was when Obama committed the most troops to Afghanistan, so you don't need to worry about it. The agenda after that was to try and transition to a withdrawal, but it hasn't been fully accomplished due to ongoing instability (I guess he learned from Iraq).

Edit: Yeah, above.
There's a brief interview in this documentary which explains pretty succinctly how stupid the Afghanistan war was in practice - skip to 2:03:00.

The rest of the documentary is well worth watching too, if you have the time.
Anyone got a solid article detailing how currencies are strong/weak? How the kroners of Scandinavia are so strong to the USD is perplexing me :)

I think the disconnect between someone like yourself and the average sort of kind of Republicanish voter in judging leftism is in how the power of the state is used as it relates more obviously to middle class Amerikaner concerns. They see "It Takes A Village"/welfare et al, single payer healthcare, anti-gunnishness, and EPA support and this = left. Her Wall St backing is more or less noise to the right, an abstraction as it relates to their plight, even though it provides a significant push right on a site like political compass. I don't find sites like politicalcompass all that useful because I don't accept the basis/orientation of the axis. Like any other graph, you can skew how the results look by where you place the basepoint/baselines/center, nevermind how the criteria for plotting is chosen.
Less illegals, less refugees, less terrorists, less taxes, no Obamacare... Those will be good for every American. Their personalities and their pasts are irrelevant. Policy is all that matters
I find it funny that the right always has to take responsibility in some way for all the turds that attach themselves to the right/GOP yet every turd that does the same to the left/DP is discarded as a not-really-left fugazi Scotsman.

Reminds me of an argument Peter Hitchens and Christopher Hitchens had where Peter stated that the problem with Christopher and by extension the left is that they're only ever genuinely leftist in their supporter's eyes while they're fighting for power, then once they have power (and inevitably do horrible things with it) they're discarded as secretly right-wing and off they go to try and find the next cause lead by the next underdog (aka Bernie etc) to struggle for.
If Hillary wins I hope to god she's lying about the refugees and illegals and is pro-corporation
Less illegals, less refugees, less terrorists, less taxes, no Obamacare... Those will be good for every American. Their personalities and their pasts are irrelevant. Policy is all that matters

Undocumented residents contribute greatly to our society, including doing many jobs no one else is willing to do and paying into services that they can't take advantage of. Spending billions to deport them benefits nobody. It's a massive expense (and since you want to lower taxes, I'd be interested in how you expect to pay for this), creates tons of empty jobs, destroys families, and creates a massive foster care crisis. Create a realistic path to citizenship and there won't be so many undocumented residents.

The refugee vetting process is thorough already. The unfounded paranoia regarding refugee terrorism (remind me of how many refugee terrorist attacks America has experinced) is just fear-mongering from the right.

Less terorists? Trump will cause an increase in terrorist attacks and is already giving tons of anti-American fodder to terrorist organizations with his anti-Muslim propaganda. He's ISIS's #1 recruiting tool ATM. Moreover, the vast majority of terrorism in this country, whether the purpitrator was black, brown, or white, have been by US citizens. So please explain to me how a president who is constantly fanning the flames of racial hatred will decrease terrorism.

Less taxes? For whom? There are people and corporation in this country who need to being paying more taxes.

As for you're claim that personalities don't matter in a political leader, that's just laughable. Someone who has hissy fit everytime someone calls him out on his bullshit does not have the sort of disposition needed to decide when we do and do not go to war. Moreover, someone who is openly racist against Muslims and Mexicans and indirectly racist against blacks cannot be an effective leader of one the most diverse nations on the planet. Furthermore, he is simply too uneducated on foreign affairs (as his embarassing comments on Ukraine this weekend showed) to do the job. Lastly, it sounds like the leaders of the military have so little respect for him that they might disrupt the chain of command and reject his orders.
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Undocumented residents contribute greatly to our society, including doing many jobs no one else is willing to do.

I hate it when i hear this nonsense. a signature statement by the "pro illegals" crowd. First off, that is straight bullshit. I know countless people that would do ANY of the jobs that you think only illegal immigrants would do. And second, the only reason they even get some of those jobs is because there are piece of shit employers out there who know that an undocumented residents would work for half the cost of minimum wage, because they really have no choice. And when that happens the POS employer is also breaking the law. Ive seen this happen more-so than i'd like and its truly disturbing. Rarely do you have anyone paying an illegal properly. Taking advantage of someone and paying them in bread crumbs is pretty despicable if you ask me.

If you are here illegally, than you shouldn't have a job in this country, as simple as that.

I have family on the other side of the world who have been trying hard as fuck to come here legally and start a proper future for themselves and their families for over 10+ years now, but its okay for julio to just hop the fuckin' fence tomorrow and come right on over? fuck no.
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